
Dudes who are not medical professionals tell everyone the dangers of medicine.

I love it when movie folks pursue racist projects and then disingenuously try to cover their asses by feigning ignorance for being offensive. Almost as much as i love racism/racist apologists who parrot mealy mouthed excuses about people in Japan being hunky dory about Hollywood white washing (i.e. a problem that does

Yes. He used to be Fabienne from Pulp Fiction.

Some people are already criticizing this move. I want to point out that foundations are built around supporting the people doing the work, not doing the work. They’re not starting an organization to replace or overlap with non-profits.

It’s to humiliate the guy

Wait, wait, wait. The New Day are now the longest reigning Tag Team in WWE history. For about half of their run, they were heels that worked to get cheap heat from the crowds until they started their babyface run about a year ago. That doesn’t seem like they aren’t taken seriously. A comedy tag-team is something like

You know....I don’t think I love this. Who is this aimed toward — teachers? Do we think teachers don’t try to intervene with troubled kids? Students? There were students interacting with this kid, and anyway, asking students to police the behavior of “creepy loner weirdos” is how you get bullying. (And I mean, say you

Shawn Elliot isn’t a voice actor. He was a level designer on Bioshock Infinite.

i’m really struggling to put this into terms that i truly understand, any help would be appreciated.

Their definition of “sexy” is “World of Warcraft pre-endgame leveling clownsuit”.

I like the game, too. -shrug- It’s dumb fun if you have a good group of people to play.

This is ridiculous. It’s is like cutting off your nose to spite your face and then crying about the void in the middle of your head. It’s like getting liposuction and longing for your fat cells.

I’m the same way with shows. I have to see them to the bitter end no matter how badly they jump the shark.

Maybe because people are realizing that this show has no “end game”? No big reveal? No destination?

Yeah, she says stuff like that after non-white people call her out for the racist depictions of, say, Asians in her show.

It doesn’t look like most people were demanding an apology. It’s criticism. Welcome to comedy.

Autoplay is always a startling and obnoxious thing when multiple tabs are open. Always takes me a second to find the right one.

I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.

I would guess not. He’s fairly conservative, and Donald is a batshit radical extremist.