
After he spent the entire campaign season promising to be a liberal thorn in Hillary Clinton’s side while viciously subtweeting the DNC, a tone deaf white guy who couldn’t even stay in the Democratic Party until the end of the convention but still feels entitled to direct its future is the ass-last person I’m in any

Yeah, agreed.

I’m sorry that happened to you, barely legal porn is really icky.

I just really needed to share this since I can’t talk about it with people I know in the real world.

I do appreciate that oddly enough this is also a holiday as much about food and thanks as it is with getting into fights with family so at least we’re on theme.

Your boyfriend is being a reductionist shitbird. You have two options:

I know that this is an American website, but I just have a message for my fellow Canadians: after the victory of Donald Trump, Kellie Leitch, a candidate for the leadership of Canada’s Conservative Party has said “Tonight, our American cousins threw out the elites and elected Donald Trump as their next president. It’s

“We’ll slap her with a charge, that’ll show those upity muslims not to wear a hijab!”

This is the inevitable problem of a news media that now “reports” instead of “investigates.”

Really? Cause it just looks to me like someone trying to hide their handwriting.

I’ve seen a lot of, “Now you know what we felt like when Obama won” (also one deeply bizarre “I personally would point and laugh if Trump supporters were peacefully protesting, therefore it is by definition impossible for anyone to protest Trump in any way without being a hypocrite”), which is just another window into

I think that was always my biggest problem with them is that they forget that putting stuff out there sometimes it turns into something else, especially when racists begin to latch on to it

They had a good run. I loved it from the first season but stopped around 2006 and sorta forgot about it

They deserve all the scorn and criticism they can get. Stone and Parker have, for years, fed the “liberal libertarian” bullshit to their audience of (primarily) young white men. It should be no surprise that this is the demographic that routinely flocks to the likes of Ron Paul and Gary Johnson for the lulz and moral

The assholes that loudly mocked the idea of caring about anything suddenly care about political outcomes? What happened to both candidates being equally bad and nothing ever matters, guys? Congratulations, you assholes got your dearest wish, South Park. Hopefully Trump never sees a bad word from you about him that

“This was how it started”

I love how people believe in the insane idea that Bernie could have beaten Trump with a platform of raising taxes on everyone to pay for what most people in America would call handouts, especially for minorities and young people. LOL to infinity.

That’s great and all Bernie, but your one-note Millennial issue concerns are why you tanked the 35+ black and Latino vote, and therefore didn’t win the nomination.

Delete your Facebooks, folks.