
I always look forward to the next Lynne Ramsay joint, while I can only nervously cringe watching previews of Natalie Portman’s next movie. I’m still waiting to be convinced she’s a good actress.

I’ve never had any desire to read it. I’ve thought I might want to read “Consider the Lobster” just because I think it’s a great title, but I haven’t gotten around to that, and I’m not sure I ever will. Honestly, I feel like I missed the David Foster Wallace cultural moment somehow; I never heard of him until well

Another issue that Bourdain noted in Kitchen Confidential is that the same friends who say you should open a restaurant are the same ones that keep dropping by and expects a bunch of comps and freebies and never pick up a check.

No good content will ever follow ‘Meet the...influencers who...’.

This feels like you’re saying there were only ever two options for how Disney could approach making new movies: the Sequel Trilogy we ultimately got or some probably-convoluted adaptation of the pre-existing Expanded Universe.

“Weed Edibles Aren’t as Safe as we think”

Article: People eat too many, it’s not actually harmful to your health but you can freak out.

So..... they are exactly as safe as we think. They don’t cause lung cancer. And if you take too many (accidentally) you have a bad high and then are fine. 

Dave Filoni, producer of both shows, knows what he’s doing. He gives networks a kid-friendly, stand alone set of episodes for the first season (when he knows the network execs are watching him like hawks) then he dives into deeper storylines that don’t treat kids and adults like dummies for each subsequent season.

Russia will just sit back and fan the flames, they won’t actually get their hands dirty on this one. It’s what they do. 

The U.S. assassinated a high-ranking Iranian official in a targeted airstrike at Baghdad International Airport in Iraq early Friday, local time.

Nothing will happen.

good gravy am I tired of hearing about broom boy

This may not get published because my LGBTQ community rarely tolerates dissenting opinions.

Also, I think a major theme of SW as a whole is “don’t fuck with women from Alderaan.”

I would love if they did animated or live action adaptations of some of the Legends material.

... and (like other moments in the movie) it just comes off as super random and shoehorned in. A two sentence dialog between two people at the tail end of a movie with no reference to give it any mean whatsoever... other than to make me wonder if Lando was really trying to get at them panty drawers.

You don’t get credit for things you didn’t put in the movie because (and try to follow this because it’s a pretty big leap) you didn’t put them in the movie. I shouldn’t have to pore through all your deleted scenes and interviews and tie-in books just to say “Oh, that’s not a pile of horseshit after all.”

No, it’s because the raw sexual energy of Billy Dee Williams is a weapon of mass destruction ... of my defenses against his advances.

Counterpoint: the new Star Wars was good, not bad.

I ended up seeing Solo a couple months ago and really liked it, I wished it had done better at the box office because that’s the type of Star Wars movie I want to see. It was not perfect but it was good enough where I actually regret listening to all the naysayers and wished I had seen it in theaters. Also good shout

My favorite is still in TFA, when the Starkiller base is shown to be so close to a sun that it would have rapidly spiraled into it (because gravity), yet it somehow manages to be a fucking ice planet instead of a barren, scorched wasteland.