If you felt attacked or offended by Bill Burr’s monologue then you’re the one with issues you need to deal with.
If you felt attacked or offended by Bill Burr’s monologue then you’re the one with issues you need to deal with.
Well it never helps when the guy charged with directing the movie completely misses the point of the source material and craps out another sorry version of Marvel’s best villain. Fox also just wanting to make a movie so the rights do not expire doesn’t help either.
Kroger sells a pint of buttermilk for like a dollar or so. At least around Atlanta they do.
Is there really a need to watch the this episode and the last? I skipped them because they just felt tired and uninspired after first meeting the sisters and then reading that the 2 characters stayed on for 2 more episodes. I hope the home stretch of this season with the Siege of Mandalore gets everything back on…
The Waffle House had to close a store in GA due to an employee getting the virus and all employees that worked a shift with the infected employee were quarantined with pay and the store closed so it could be cleaned and sanatized.
You don’t take a full load while working 40 hours a week. You take 2-3 courses fully paid for and that work with your schedule every semester. College takes a couple of years longer but you get through it debt free. I just got done with it last July.
She had a very limited range.
Why do people order food from places that don’t do takeout? It tastes like shit because at no point was the dish designed to be transported from the restaurant to a home.
1st = Rome
I would say check out all the Republic Commando Novels. Triple Zero & Order 66 especially if you want good Star Wars EU (Now Legends).
If you liked Solo as I did then check out the A. C. Crispin novels that are now “legends” and see how they should’ve done Solo over a few movies. I’m re-reading them and they are still great.
As far as putting women in charge in my opinion Rian Johnson still fucked it up. Why is Laura Dern’s character a Vice Admiral in an evening gown the whole movie? Also why is General Organa back in a dress after being in more military style clothes for TFA? These are just 2 simple visual cues that are so obviously wrong…
Thanks for the word of the day! Inchoate.
You’re seriously equating the Salvation Army with North Korea?
The donations where to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes not the Klan.
This must be the reason why Gawker or whatever lefty click bait blog site keeps hamming Chick-fil-A about donating to “hate groups” but never naming the actual organizations.
I always hated the idea of pooling tips. I bust my ass for the shift and have to put my money in with everyone else’s fuck that.
If you have a morning or early shift after a late night of drinking or living the restaurant life possibly not. Especially, if the next shift is determined as a slower time for your restaurant and the server is not expecting much of a return vs investment of getting beautified.
Usually the question has to do with how busy the restaurant is because expected tips can be gleaned from menu prices and average bills at tables. Affluence of the area also gets taken into account.
Easier way to say this Barry was 11 at the time and had a crush on Iris before he moved into the West house. So not weird as if they were say 5 and spent a decade plus living together.