
To me, it’s not about that. It’s about the kind of platform that Twitch is wanting to be. If it wants to embrace content who’s sole purpose is titillating audiences, then it should just come out and do so. They could create a section for it and create guidelines to distinguish themselves from ONLYFans and be done with

It’s PG-13 cam girls.

They’re not a meaningful indicator of anything, and never have been.

The Razzies serve an important function in the cinema ecosphere. It's good for these execs to be publicly told they're not trying hard enough. 

“What if, instead of reading a book, you could listen to some people discussing a topic one of them read about, briefly, a while ago?” 

Maybe I’m just a product of my time, but hunky brooding will never be better than roundhouse kicks.

Sam Adams, though.

I always have to laugh when some of my liberal brethren mistake Burr for an out of touch centrist, or worse, sympathetic to the right. I always tell them you really haven’t listened to his material then, as it’s obvious he is firmly a liberal that doesn’t suffer idiots, especially on the right. It’s his shtick to come

While not everything worked, it was great to see some edginess in an SNL monologue. Too often, performers come on SNL that I think will be good only to have them get ground down by the formulaic nature of the show. Burr kept his edge and persona intact. Also, Kate’s “I’m obviously not” added to the more unpolished

I’m pretty sure I hit my 78th birthday while watching Funny People, and I’m only 47.

Funny People would’ve been so much better without the overlong detour to Marin in the second half.

Gotta have that off-putting third act swerve into drama that occurs long after the film’s actual climax. What would an Apatow film be without that?

I shudder to think how long the original cut of Funny People tapped out at.

Or how about we engage with the fact that all these impersonations were obviously and deeply respectful and reverential, that these jazz musicians he’s paying homage to were a very important and personal part of his childhood, and that Muhammad Ali himself was a big Billy Crystal fan?

Well I for one am pleased that these two didn’t let something like being conference rivals get in the way of being teammates off the football field.

A C? This is still D territory for TCW. Maybe even D-. Does AV do D minuses? I mean I love TCW but this season has been utter drek from the word go.

This entire “arc” could have been condensed into 2 episodes. Also:

“Apparently a lot of the assets were already created, so Star Wars: The Clone Wars probably felt

I hope this means we’re done seeing Trace and Rafa have the same conversation again and again. Yes, sisters look out for each other and Rafa doesn’t trust Ahsoka because sisters look out for each other and only Rafa can look out for Trace because they’re sisters. I got it the first time around.

I love reading all the comments from the posters below about why black voters chose Biden over Warren and Ol Shower Door Man. Gee maybe when you fake Cos Play Progressives spend the primary season demanding no PAC money, which hurts non white candidates the most, making up bullshit about them, Cory is a phony, Kamala

Just skipping all the live-action remakes of Disney animated features is working out pretty well for me so far.

Can we have someone replace Natalie Portman as Jane Foster? She was awful in the Star Wars prequels and she was Awful in Thor 1 and 2. There has to be someone who can replace her and knock her role as the new Thor out of the park.