
I haven’t seen a Christian be that racist since the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics.

I’ve seen a few of these comments/emails so might as well say, yeah I went to Michigan. But for what it’s worth, a lot of people I love went to or still go to MSU, and I rooted for Izzo and Dantonio and loved Draymond Green and Kirk Cousins when I was a kid/teen. I want them to be a good, safe university.


“Jones is a puppet.” “Moore will always vote with us.” Cognitive dissonance at its absolute apex.

I just read that Jones won! Then I checked again because we live in the upsidedown and the internet says he won.

That cross court pass out of a double to create an open Korver corner three is absolute genius basketball. While he’s a step slower from his athletic prime there’s no doubt his skills are still getting better.

Worst job of the week: Cleaning up all the chopped-off noses cluttering the floor beneath Alabama’s voting booths.

It’s out of control, isn’t it?

This “logic” drives me fucking crazy!!!

Fultz: When do you think I can play again, doc?

Who are “you guys” in this scenario?

“The NAIA missed the opportunity to take a stand,” College of the Ozarks President Jerry Davis said in a release on Friday.

Not enough triangles.


Are you homeless and/or Jim Tomusula? Who the fuck brings a cup of soup to a bar?

I hope this makes some of those “good men” try to remember the things they have forgotten. I hope that realizing you are an unself-aware part of the solution is still part of the problem. It certainly had that effect on me.

“You stole that from me, too.” — Kenyon Martin

*Teen Wolf Too

Is this the basketball equivalent to economic anxiety?

This is almost too good to be mere imitation... Bill, is that you?