Will Green

The verb is breathe, not breath.

Well, at least they don’t have to worry about the child becoming undead.

Hello, Internet Police?  I’d like to report a Dad Joke.

Considering I keep waking up on the floor, I’d guess he’s been telling me to “roll out.”

The real Wordle is entirely playable on mobile through the browser. It works great. What are you talking about?

You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.

It’s about revenge. Earth killed his parents, obviously.

Completely arbitrary here:

It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter.

The moral of this story is if you are a fan of these shows, watch them as soon as possible. Because the instant they drop on the streaming service, there’s no way to know who has watched, who hasn’t, or what might be spoiled when. That even goes for the people who are in the show itself.

Pizza cutter. All edge, no point.

Always makes me think of this:

Doctor Strange: “Now, Peter, in order to travel through the multiverse, you need to wear this black & gold version of your costume.”

I just want Strange and Wong to meet, well... Strange and Wong...

Ah yes. The classic Cascading Failure. A thing that goes catastrophically wrong, causally linked to an endless chain of other Things That Go Catastrophically Wrong that all set off Even More Things That Go Catastrophically Wrong. Like a circular row of dominos, except each domino is an open oil drum filled with

I am starting to wonder about the efficiency of vaccines. It is certainly better than nothing and I still think everyone should get it. I did and will do it again if needed.

How many people get vaccinated for the flu every year? How long was it after the ancestor of the current flu strains did we develop flu vaccines.

You comparing apples to dinosaurs.

Influenza is thousands of years old (possibly dating back to 6000 BC). There were thousands of years to create variants before vaccines existed.

Yes, some clarification on that sentence would be good.