There’s also another alternative for podcasts. Poddle by Podchaser. It slowly reveals the logo of a random podcast as you guess. I’m not sure when they might do my podcast, Bring On The Weird.
There’s also another alternative for podcasts. Poddle by Podchaser. It slowly reveals the logo of a random podcast as you guess. I’m not sure when they might do my podcast, Bring On The Weird.
Chugging a bunch all at once is not pleasant at all anytime. I’ve tried to space my intake of water out every hour.
Stephen, I just sent you a friend request on SpaceHey!
We like to call this Grab Night. We have four daughters ranging from 8-18 and sometimes mom and dad just don’t want to prepare anything or anything that takes longer than 10 minutes to prepare. Sandwiches? Cereal? Waffles? Ramen Noodles? Other canned soup? There’s usually plenty of choices so grab whatever!
Just coming off of listening to Ready Player Two and thinking about Ready Player One makes me think getting the high score or getting to a certain level in that Pac-Man game would unlock something new and wonderful in Twin Mirror.
For the last 4 weeks Metallica has been live streaming previous concert performances on Monday evenings. #MetallicaMonday Of course you can still watch them anytime. For a live concert the sound quality is fantastic!
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse was so damn hilarious! It was so much fun probably because it was built with the Halo engine. Says so right on the package.
Hi Abu! Thank you for doing this series. My brother-in-law and I started our podcast in July and now watching your videos is making me nervous we haven’t covered or done enough of the things you’ve talked about, but then I think about the reason we started ours. We really just wanted to learn and wonder about all…
Making music with these is amazing! But to use these for actually calculating would be a nightmare!
I’ll have to see if I can send more than one at a time or just send them back to back. I’m starting to get drift in all 4 of mine! Agh! I haven’t played Breath of the Wild in too long!
I tend to restart or shutdown and reboot after I update a pile of apps. Usually about every 2 weeks or longer, but rarely sooner than that. I’m not sure if this helps anything at all. There have been times I forgot to reboot after an update session and didn’t have any ill effects. What are your thoughts on that, David?
Ha I love it! Great job! Now if you’re looking to raise the next Tim Burton I DO NOT recommend all of these steps. Especially the one about his parents bricking up his bedroom windows.
Seems like I might be on par with your feelings on some of these channels. FGTeeV annoys the crap out of me! Their stuff entertains my kids for awhile, but then after so long I make them find something else. I don’t mind DanTDM he’s pretty docile. I can tolerate most of Guava Juice’s stuff. It infuriates me when he…
There’s plenty of places in that place where you can have a fumble without being a wanker on AirBnB.
I have the ability to download my free copy, BUT I can’t play it because when I built my PC 5 years ago I decided to save a few hundred dollars and went with an i3 CPU. Sure I have enough ram and the graphics card can handle it, but that processor....that poor poor processor. It can’t handle all that stress. My…
Shots fired!
Thank you! I was thinking the same exact thing!
I have absolutely no idea who this guy is, but he looks like a swollen Jerry Springer.
GASP! Hello new friend! I’m also an overtired house spouse with 4 children! I don’t know about you, but it’s a little bit of a struggle to find good fun games for all of us to play together. This game seems perfect to get into with my 15 and 11 year olds. I’ve never played a Destiny game, but my spouseless, childless…