Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Driving is a literal superpower. It also brings joy to many people, in various ways...even those we wouldn’t consider “enthusiasts.” If anyone suggests a ban, there will be serious resistance. Look how far gun control has gotten.

Member clutches? I member

Dismissing congestion pricing as terrible is the right answer - all regressive taxes are

Tax Wall Street and the foreign oligarchs with million dollar apartments that they don’t even live in - not working people who live in areas with inadequate transit

Not arguing against that. What I’m saying is, why put that increased funding on the back of some slightly wealthier people who drive (for myriad reasons) instead of just taxing unoccupied $1-million+ apartments and solving our housing crisis at the same time? I’d rather tax the super-rich who buy a penthouse for their

This is a good idea to you!? How can you write for a supposed car enthusiast website and say that this is a good idea? IT’S A CASH GRAB TARGETING MOTORISTS! More political strong-armed robbery of citizens. My job requires me to drive into the heart of Manhattan every week. No trains or shared citi-unicycle or catapult

You want to know why Manhattan is so over congested with trucks?

I’m one of those people - I live in Manhattan, I’m 49 and I’ve never owned a car

However, this DOES target working class people in the Greater New York Metropolitan Area who live in areas with sub par transit and who commute into Manhattan. Most of those people are far from wealthy.

It also targets taxi drivers and

This is the beginning of marshal law. Wake up America this supposed to be the land of the free.

This will not help at all since train infrastructure is already bad as it is.

What bothers me is that they’ve also simultaneously started crazy expensive street side parking fees on streets where there used to be free parking in low traffic periods of the day. So what used to be free parking in the evenings after everyone has left work is now $20+ to park on the street, which is absurd. If

Thank god we have finally given up on taxing the rich here, and instead will institute a regressive tax that makes life more difficult for poor/middle class people and will have no effect on the superrich that are also causing our housing crisis. It’s as American as apple pie.

Cyclists in Manhattan, as well as other high volume areas, add to the problem of traffic flow. In general, cyclists in Manhattan tend to follow traffic rules only when it is convenient for them. The amount of times I have seen a person on a bike, in a bike lane, throw out their hand and cut off a car, causing the car

Nope. Roads were made for cars and trucks.


They swarm and provide rolling roadblocks as well as slowing down free flowing traffic because drivers have to worry about cyclists damaging cars. Until cyclists can prove they can get through a single day without one of their herd damaging a vehicle, they ought to be banned from the road.

This proposal is a joke. As usual the inept NY governments answer to a problem such as the MTA is to tax people more and throw more money at it. They aren’t addresssing the real problem: legacy MTA costs and rampant abuse/waste at these agencies. You guys even addressed this in an article about the wasteful practices

Yet another regressive tax imposed on the working class of New York City - meanwhile, the rich here are awash in tax breaks.

Fuck that - and while we’re at it, fuck Cuomo and Di Blasio

You want a tax increase that would really help New Yorkers? Put a tax on luxury housing, and on non residents who own luxury apartments

It’s not working in London not sure why people would think it would work in NYC.

As long as they charge cyclists too.

It’s ironic that city policy (bike lanes that restrict flow; the unwillingness to increase the pool of medallions that lead to the huge numnber of Uber/Lyfts), and the way they city allows building construction to create “zones” that tie up wide swatches of street; bus lanes) has so exacerbated this problem. Now, the