NYS spends more on services in western NY than taxes it collects there. NYC accounts for more than a third of income tax paid to NYS.
NYS spends more on services in western NY than taxes it collects there. NYC accounts for more than a third of income tax paid to NYS.
Cars should have spare tires. Period.
This sums up the State of NY and the City of NY’s relationship. NYS just sees NYC and Long Island as a piggy bank
I’ve lived in this neighborhood for over a decade. For the first six years, there actually was an ice cream truck that parked about 50 feet away from my building every summer and played its song on a loop, so yes, I’m quite familiar with that experience (in fact, I watched the video at first to see if it was my old…
One major difference in your “shoe on the other foot” scenario: black families moving to the ‘burbs typically try to reach out to their neighbors for acceptance by acclimating themselves into their new environment. The lady in this article is instead trying to force her concept of “acceptable cultural behavior” onto…
Way to miss the whole fucking point.
“This is generally a really quiet, serene block,”
Fuck her. She should go back to where she came from.
Yes, this is a 24 hour city.
In summer, when there is no school, kids stay up late.
So yes, this is normal here.
This dumb noise sensitive ninny is the abnormal one by our community standards
Because we are better than the rest of America
9PM is early in NYC in summer
This gentrification shit is getting real guys. Speaking from the trenches in Harlem. Went to my local food town on 145th the other day, and there was a white lady rolling her razor scooter through the aisles, she eventually used it instead of a cart to roll her her several jars of mayonnaise through checkout. I think…
That’s not late in New York City in the summer. That’s prime strolling down the street eating an ice cream cone time.
There was a restaurant and live music venue that had been here for at least 30 years. The place changed hands a few times but was always very popular and their outside live music area was a great place to hang out.
Lady lives in Manhattan and complains about noise...
Fuck off.
Sunset in New York City is around 8-8:30 pm in the summertime. 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm seems more than reasonable. I’m guessing most kids eat dinner earlier, so it makes for a good dessert.
I live in South Philadelphia. I hate noise. I hate ice cream truck jangly music. I am sometimes surrounded by ice cream trucks circling my block like so many tinny voiced predators. And, so what? I couldn’t imagine ever trying to get any of that to stop. This woman is ridiculous.
If you move to New York City for peace and quiet...
Your average New Yorker would walk right past 10 screaming lunatics jack-hammering in front of 20 honking firetrucks running full sirens to get to a raging fire 50 feet away, and not even glance up from their cellphone screens. Fuck this woman.
Fuck this bitch. I’m in my mid thirties and I still get a smile when I first hear the Mr. Softee jingle each spring, and I get a little sad every fall when I don’t hear it anymore.