Da Gooch from Da Bronx

A mess? It was a brilliant example of art as a game. We grew up reading choose your own adventure games, and now were given one in video game form. The fact that it has over 12 endings is staggering. It’s one of the first, if not THE first, to have no “game over” screen.

You lost some cred on this one :(

Beyond: Two Souls, is a high budget flop characterized by a disjointed narrative and distracting misogyny towards the lead character”

Opinions, I know, but how dare you? This game wasn’t a masterpiece but it was far from a mess. I rather enjoyed it. * He said with an air of a matter of fact*

Heavy Rain? A mess? Ma’am! Allow me to tut disapprovingly *tuts disapprovingly*

Four decades? Hmm. I’ll be 87, but I’ll still have one of these.

I liked it more than the new top gear


This is an evolution of the PS Move gun accessory. I like where they’ve taken it.

NYC is the financial and cultural hub of America and the only real city here. Enjoy your popcorn, I’m sure it’s delicious.

I-95S from t Petersburg VA to Jacksonville FL. Nothing at all to see but suck. Petersburg is the last city that I-95 actually goes directly through heading south so the ride is boring,

One word: Boston.

One of my personal pet peeves is the cycle of: Company falls out of favor -> Public shuns them -> Company starts making good (sometimes superior) products again -> Public won’t give them a chance because they don’t want to be made fun of by their less-informed friends.

So clearly that means you’re a surviving Blackberry user!!!

1st Gear/Neutral: Ford probably wants something that is more reliable. And Blackberry made some of the most reliable and most secure smart phones.

Came here to say this. So much misinformation out there surrounding BlackBerry. Given the paranoia surrounding cars being hacked, especially when it concerns V2V communications, you would think that he’d be less dismissive of a company that’s recognized as a leader in communications security.

Blackberry’s QNX runs in number of auto manufacturer’s already... including Apple’s Carplay... and they did Ford’s Sync

1st: You joke, Ballaban, but Blackberry owns QNX, which is the operating system power in a pretty sizeable number of car infotainment systems today. It’s great news for our local economy (I live in Ottawa) and should give Ford a nice leg up.

Thisbeing 25 is pants on head retarded. Well typical for the NY government it seems.

25mph so that people are too dumb to cross a road do not die. problem is they are still dumb

The ‘Vision Zero’ plan is a ridiculous waste of money. There is no way to reduce all traffic fatalities to zero, it would be ‘easier’ to reduce crime to zero. Crime is due to a behavior that can be helped. Driving has an infinite amount of possibilities that are out of the control of pedestrians, or any vehicle on the