Did it take the fire department four hours to put out the fire from that crash? Was there nobody in the driver’s seat? Can you see how the two are different?
Did it take the fire department four hours to put out the fire from that crash? Was there nobody in the driver’s seat? Can you see how the two are different?
*Biker acts like they own the road and are invincible while being the most vulnerable person on the road*
No street parking in the downtown core...this seems problematic.
Hey racist fuck, maybe try waking him up before unloading a clip into his face, huh?
At some point we need to reconcile that people are terrible yet you can still enjoy their work.
No. This man is waging a war on private auto ownership.
You can stuff as much bike Lanes as you want, but no one will use them in bad weather, can work in cities with nice weather most of the year, not NYC.
LOL all any of this will do is make traffic 1,000x worse in NYC
His idea to kill the BQE's connection by Brooklyn Heights is batshit crazy though
So another Socialist with limited knowledge of cars … fun.
You know what would help, removing the idiotic bike lanes, allowing car traffic and turns on all streets and at all possible turns. In other words setting it back where it was fifteen years ago. I spent a lot of time as a delivery driver in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and the more government intervention, the worse moving…
Because they’re the largest economy in the nation?
He joined Jalopnik and his first article was to praise the end of cars in NYC, wow, balsy.
The problem with the city streets is primarily Uber/Lyft and the expansion of bus and bike lanes. I like the bus lanes since I prefer to take the bus to work instead of the subway. But with hundreds of thousands of new for hire cars parking every where and clogging the streets, it sucks getting around New York.…
Not sure why Colombia is being seen as a W for England.... They have the runners to embarrass England. Whether they show up and whether James is injured is big but I wouldn’t underestimate them (or overestimate England).
One important fact that I think this article overlooks is that no NBA players (as far as I know) have wanted to kneel during the anthem or have expressed displeasure at the current rule. I think that actually matters a LOT.
The fans who boo while players kneel during the anthem are the ones that baffle me. You’re upset that someone is “disrespecting the anthem and the military” (or some such nonsense), but it’s not disrespectful of you to boo loudly while your precious anthem is playing. You’re upset someone is exercising their First…
This is all so fucking dumb.
Toyota is selling over 700,000 Camrys/Corollas this year and evidently making money at it. Ford is abandoning the segments completely; this is insane. I’m a Ford fanboy (see username) but this is an awful, short-sighted decision that they’re going to regret for a long, long time.
Ford just lost one of their own employees as a customer. That takes real effort.