Da Gooch from Da Bronx


There is so much more that could be said about this game.

The powerplay goal Callahan scored against the Rangers was a direct result of the ref completely missing Stamkos’ hit on McD, and got them on Kreider’s retaliation.

There are very few things in sports I am ever certain of, and one of these things I feel very confident about is that the Lightning will be playing golf after Friday. Not even a Rangers fan, but I cannot picture a single scenario in which the Lightning take game 7.

I think spires have always counted, but only if they are non-functional architectural ornamentation. That’s why the spires on the Willis tower don’t count, because they are broadcast antennae.

Stay in Toledo, hayseed. Also, go fuck yourself.

Yeah, and why bother spending $100 on a ticket to a Broadway show when I can spend $6 to see the local high school put on a performance. I means it's all the same right?

Some of us prefer the view of a “concrete jungle” way more than some boring rolling hills and/or trees. It's all in your point of view.

Nevermind that, keep it clean for yourself. Man, having your own place and having it clean is great feeling and makes it much nicer to sit in and do nothing but watch TV.

Agreed, if you're just going to abruptly stop in traffic in a situation with no dedicated turn lane like this... you need to give other drivers better notice, and... watch your mirror for the obvious.

Would have been much better off not pre-turning the wheel after his abrupt stop.

This. That's one of the things I remember being told while learning to drive, and now as an insurance agent I see this over and over again. If he keeps his wheels straight it is just a rear-collision. If the oncoming truck had been going faster, this may have been a different story.

....and that is why you don't preemptively turn your wheels when you come to a stop.

And this (the last one) is how we will grow into a nation that even more so than now is completely incapable of writing out full on sentences. Have you read some handwritten essays and such of kids these days? I swear I don’t know how some of them got out of 3rd grade.

XMB is superior to the UIs of the current generation, as well. Playstation Dynamic Menu is just clunky, compared to XMB, Vita’s “LiveArea” interface is a joke, and X1 is running Win8, which is just crap...so yeah, nothing terribly good this gen, in terms of user interfaces...


PS3 interface and home are not related.

XMB was the superior UI of last gen.

Really neat article that has a nice visual of what is happening:

Yeah...that hipster infestation would pretty much be cleared up.

Gizmodo never fails to disappoint.