Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Easy. Not everyone cares about apps and fun. The last device in my house I turn to for entertainment is my phone. My phone is, to me, a communications device first and all the other things second.

Most users don't know the underlying functionality of the OS, they only know how it works. Almost no one has chosen Android because it is a top notch OS. It does what they need and it is cheap. Beyond that, it is not robust or secure. It is just a shell of what the BB10 operating system is or can do. BB10 is

Why would they want to switch to a garbage OS like Android, when BB10 is better in every single way. What is the advantage?

There is no reason to use Android. BB10 is far superior than Android in every way. What advantage is for them to do this? None!

Speak for yourself, i love their products. What was wrong with a Palm Pre?

BB10 already is some kind of Linux OS. Why would they switch their fantastic OS to a crappy OS like Android, makes no sense at all.

bb10 is pretty legit. id like to see blackberry keep the hardware and have some kind of linux or android os with qnx or whatever runs their security running embedded in it as security. if i wasnt so tied to google in all ways i could easily use it as a daily driver. ill play games and stuff on my android tablet. or

and guess what google work is using now? BlackBerry. Just read the news. Google is partnering with BlackBerry to secure google work on BES 12.

this is a joke right? Someone using "dominate" them as a reply when they had some many security loopholes and flaws already? And whoever the author of this article is, the z30 touch screen from BlackBerry 10 os isn't a disappointment. Maybe in sales yes, however the people who actually use the phone love it.

I pissed my pants laughing. Android and security. Like Apple giving iPhones for free.

How is this a whole new look?

New Jersey just ended its multi-year pilot program for red light cameras. Slightly different (not necessarily used to catch speeders, but were still lucrative money-earning devices for towns). Most of the reports leading up to the day the cameras were turned off (it was sometime back in December) mentioned about how

Again, this was the most quoted study, and the one directly responsible for dismantling an existing red-light-camera system. But again, you don't quote a source, and you get nit-picked.

Howabout a study done for The US DoT by North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2004:

In NYC it is really hard to not go over the new speed limit of 25mph in certain places. There are limited access roads with up to eight lanes of traffic with no pedestrians that have a 25mph posted limit. Everyone else is going far faster and keeping to 25 is quite difficult. Plus, since the 25 limit is new so many

Speeding (Driving above the speed listed on a sign) is not inherently unsafe - in fact, the principles of the Solomon Curve show that driving in the flow is safer than numbers on a sign. This, of course, applies to multi-lane roads only.

Actually I think what they're saying is that the cameras are literally DIRECTLY off exits from expressways: there are no pedestrians, so it's not an unsafe situation...and like any straight exit off the highway, that strip is probably utilized as a slow down zone. If you're driving 55 on the highway, it takes a

If everyone around you is speeding then it is safer to speed.

While I am inclined to agree with you, for an overwhelming majority of the time. There are known cases where speed limits are enforced in an abusing manner just to give tickets, such that you are forced to slow down in a not-so-safe manner.

In Cleveland they've gotten speed cameras mostly neutered. God Forbid NYC follow Cleveland's lead on anything but has anyone started a grass roots effort in NYC to get them stopped? I believe it started with 1 guy here in Cleveland.

In NYC? It's terrible, and even worse when it's snows. It doesn't get better afterward either with sidewalk cracking and potholes everywhere.