Da Gooch from Da Bronx
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That's not an eephus pitch. THISis an eephus pitch..

As I live near Burlington, MA and have visited both the mall and AMC regularly I feel the need to point out that "right across the street" is a misnomer off the bat, it's called a turnpike for a reason, it's a multilane highway and the whole thing is not designed for foot traffic. In fact Interstate 95 and the

You don't see the difference between the single life and being in a committed relationship? Commitment is about a lot more than just sex. And really it doesn't necessarily have to involve sex at all. It's about love, support, stability, and a particular type of intimacy that you don't share with others.

For some people, monogamy isn't the end-all be-all of trust. "Love" for them doesn't mean "you only ever fuck me." That works for some people, and for others it doesn't. Why get so worked up about it that we have to do the whole Drew Magary TYPING IN ALL CAPS MAKES IT IMPORTANT thing?

Well, most people wanted monogamy when they got married because it's the only thing they've ever heard of, from birth, with all other alternatives treated as, well, horseshit. Without that cultural bias, would plenty of people still want it? I imagine so. But given the number of people who, while claiming to want

Just because a percentage of open relationships fail over time doesn't mean it's horseshit. Lots of monogamous relationships fail all the time—of all sizes, shapes, and kinds—but they're not horseshit. Plus, you probably only hear about the open relationships that fail. All the successful ones are likely not as open

Courageous response. If you had substituted "homosexuality" for "polyamory" and "heterosexuality" for "monogamy", I'm guessing people wouldn't have been so quick to berate you nor to question your motives or sincerity.

Well, to be honest I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're asking, so if this doesn't help feel free to ask some more. What I'll say is: it seems to me that *monogamy* is all about trying to "fix" our most basic instinct, which is sexual desire. An open marriage is simply acknowledging that instinct, and expressing

If only there was some sort of convenient, easily accessible device that prevented the spread of STDs during sex.

I've been in an open relationship for over seven years now, it's been fine, no drama. I'd gladly take a bet that my marriage lasts longer than Drew's. Drew is also just factually wrong about "please don't bang other people" being an integral part of marriage; polygamy (for men) is a more common relationship structure

Yes, everyone is the same and has all the same needs.

But contrary to that Microsoft lacks most other things.. It has no platformers (Tearaway/LBP/Sly/Ratchet) etc far outshine any of the MS offerings, MS lacks Single Player adventure games ( Last of Us, Uncharted), Eh both sides have strengths but Sony wins out of sheer variety.

Overpriced and underpowered compared to its closest competitor. It isn't hate its pragmatism.

The graphics are completely inferior for a $500 system. 1080p with at least 30fps should be the bare minimum in this day and age, and not something a new console struggles with. Kinect still isn't a worthwhile add-on. It's a glorified microphone at this point. The exclusives don't interest me at all. The

So much indeed. I am drowning the anticipation for the years to come. Do your homework little boy. This is just the tip of the iceberg...

PlayStation Only? Yes!

How sad for you.

You missed about a dozen+ games. :D

Yes because I only have Infamous Second Son, Thief, Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Resogun, Need for Speed Rivals, Dead Nation, Call of Duty Ghosts and Killzone.

The game was published by Sony Game Studios, using music from Sony's catalog. It would be really unlikely for the series to exist anywhere outside the PS4/Vita.