Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Are you saying we're entering a zone of danger?

You shouldn't be able to do that.

Brett Gardner is faster from 1st to home over Granderson and Victorino by a bunch, I think he makes it too.

Walking in a cross walk, when the "do not walk" sign is up, is not a right. It's called jaywalking and it's against the law. Cars should not have to stop at a green light to wait for you to cross illegally because you're too busy eating or texting to notice it says don't walk.

They have a system in place already the same one they use to ticket booth jumpers on the subway. They take your license or identification and issue you ticket. It would be a much easier transaction then pulling cars over. Everyone is to blame here but you can't take cars out of NYC. It isn't even responsible to think

This! Right here! Why is nobody else saying this? Somebody give this guy a medal.

A million times this. People just wander into the road.

It really doesn't matter what the speed limit in NYC is. People are going to drive as fast as they can, regardless of a 25 mph or 30 mph speed limit. When you're driving there, you just kind of...go. If you can go faster, you do. It just depends on the flow of traffic. Therefore, in my opinion, this will have

Could we move this conversation out of freaking Midtown (and the West Village or wherever your offices are located) and into the neighborhoods where it matters, aka the outer boroughs and Manhattan north of the park? Come to the Bronx some sunny weekend afternoon, and I will show you driving (and 6-way intersections)

100%+. I have dashcam videos showing pedestrians check phone with walking across 7th avenue against the light. What do you expect you are looking at phone while crossing against the light

well, if they step in the middle of the street against the light, not in a crosswalk, is that an "area meant for people"? I understand it's easiest to blame motorist, but let's cut the bullshit, OK?

I agree. I lived in the Bronx for 5 years and without a car I would have been out of luck. We used a vehicle to get into manhattan about as much as the trains because it takes just as long as the D train. If they enforce traffic laws, they should enforce all of them including Jay walking. Pulling a pedestrian to

Here's an idea... If you're a pedestrian actually look for cars and avoid them. You know, look up from your phone while you cross the street and see if any 2 ton hunks of metal are going to intersect your desired path before you proceed into traffic. This trend to absolve the individual from personal responsibility

Since you're not allowed to blame the victim (the pedestrian), you can only go after the car. Even if the pedestrian walks out into traffic blatantly in front of a car with no room for that car to stop ... you still aren't allowed to blame him for it. Pedestrians are to be coddled and treated like they're children

I drive below the speed limit most of the time to avoid potholes. Are not fixing potholes a part of Vision Zero? The same holes that I've been dodging since last summer? I assume so.


As one who spends quite a bit of time negotiating NYC traffic, I can offer the following:

I see statistics all over the place showing that pedestrian deaths have increased in the last few years. What are the chances that these not only coincide with driver distractions (phones, GPS, etc.) but also with pedestrian distractions such as staring at your phone while crossing the street? Fault lies both ways, of

Agreed, it is harder to regulate those varying speed limits though. In Michigan most residential areas are 25 mph, as for the 15% increase in fatalities, this will happen unless you slow cars down to a crawl, maybe people should spend more time looking where they walk instead of looking down at their phone... I

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