Da Gooch from Da Bronx

BlackBerry Messenger might be the chattiest, but it's by far the best battery performer.

Saint's Row the Third was on PS+ like... a year ago?

Alright c'mon now. We got Sony, who listens to the feedback, changes their design decisions for us and give us options that most of us want with this update but it's not good enough? It needs to be perfect in one update? Have everything in one update?

and i guess letting them score on your team makes everyone laugh at yours? LOL #PhuckPhilly

It's nice to see Gimli son of Glóin get some time to relax and take in a ball game.

That's the sign that the graphics artists have nailed the visuals perfectly. When everything just looks right, and nothing stands out like "hey holy shit look at me but oh everything else looks shitty :("

Agreed. Only a handful of games on PC can beat it in terms of lighting specially. It's running a true, modern game engine, so I'm not surprised. Looks like this is going to be a great generation for Ps4 and PC... Xbone on the other hand....

"what about people who only own an Xbox One and really want to play the next Spider-Man game?"

shouuuuuuuulda bought the better console. :).

next-gen must mean something that it doesn't to you. There is nothing in Second Son that is possible on PS3. It was a challenge just giving Cole 2 powers with the visual effects that they possessed and still stream the world in the way they did. Second Son uses particle systems that would cause your PS3 to have a

titanfall is hardly new in any sense.

Or because most people who enjoy playing video games prefer to do it on their couch with a controller.

Sorry you didn't like it. I would say you are in the minority though.

Yeah, I miss his exuberance from his Yankee years.

you sir, are the 1%

finally for the first time in 1.5 years I can ditch my windows 7

And how long did this take to happen? Better late than never.

If this gets cross-posted on Gawker be prepared for an avalanche of hipsters who can't afford...I mean don't want a car, to somehow blame the drivers and bitch about how cars are stupid, outdated, and unnecessary.

Gizmodo is becoming less and less reliable. It is getting quite sad actually. For those who recall, they announced approximately 1 year ago that they would release at least 1 more BBOS device along side the BB10 devices. This is not new news. People have to relax on this hating BlackBerry thing.

Try the Q10, basically the Bold with BB10. Honestly wish I had that for a company phone than the old 9330 I currently have. With the new 10.2.1 OS it's really pushing the envelope. As for naysayers, I doubt you even used a BlackBerry just jump on the hate wagon because its the Hipster thing. So yea I'll admit the lack

I love my BlackBerry Z10 (Zed10. It's from Canada) and BB10 is great. My wife has a Lumia 920 and I can't help but notice that BB10 seems to work better and have more features than Windows Phone even though Windows Phone seems to be much more viable. It's sad that the BB10 software and the great BlackBerry hardware