Da Gooch from Da Bronx

I love this site, but articles like this make me question the trustworthiness of the articles on this site. This article is written to make the reader believe that BlackBerry has changed its focus back to BB7, when that is not even remotely true. The focus is 99% BB10 and 1% BB7. They are continuing to support an

It's not really obsolete by any standard, it's just not trendy right now.

There is also no mention of reintroducing old models in the earnings report or from the CEO. The entirety of this article / sentiment is apparently completely made up. They announced 3 new BB10 models today, that's all.

Hmm I can go back 3 years and find articles on gizmodo claiming blackberry was on its last leg. So the "death rattle" BS is just that BS. As per their own earnings report released today, their keyboard models still outsell everything else the company has made. So does this author consider it a dumb move that they

I know it is difficult to imagine but there are parts of the corporate and government world that still buy BlackBerry devices due to security reasons. Even tougher to imagine is the Bold is actually a decent tool for getting work done. Yes, if your goal is to play Candy Crush or watch your team in the NCAA tourney

Step 1: Buy a car. You now have all the gear you need. In fact, you don't even need pants, let along special ones.

I got a solution that includes heat, air con, turbo and a ripping stereo.

How about stop riding on the streets and commute via public or private motorized transportation. Cyclists are the cancer of america's roadways.

I'll just leave this here...

I always said if it came to going through a GF's phone (which is tame compared to any of these methods) that it was already over and there would be no point.
At the same time I don't care if a GF uses my phone, it is worrisome that she would think she has to go through messages or whatever while using my phone but

Autobahn style speed limits. There's absolutely no reason why a perfectly flat, straight, and wide stretch of road in West Texas with no traffic needs the same speed limit as one just outside a major city with traffic and potholes and turns and hills. Stop acting like it does, Department of Transportation...

You sound like a butthurt Xbot. Don't worry - XBoxTwo should be able to handle 1080p.

Are you serious? You couldnt be more wrong. You sound like someone who hasnt even played them.

When you factor in PC, the Xbox has...no exclusives.

I am not going to get into it with an obvious Windows fanboy/shill. Bye now.

Wow, butthurt much? lol

Wow, you have your head sooo far up your nether regions, I am surprised you can breathe! Sales DO reflect acceptance of a product! That's why Windows Phone is a failure, why Surface bombed, and why Windows 8 is lagging! If people LIKE a product, they will buy it...if they don't, sales will go down! Simple

Objectively, Windows 7 took me three keystrokes to put to sleep. Windows 8 takes fourteen going through Charms.

Objectively? Objectively, sales of Windows 8 are HORRIBLE, Windows 7 is still outselling it. YOU, sir, are wrong.

Nah I won't go from calling programs to calling them apps.