Da Gooch from Da Bronx

I disagree. I think the PS3, 360 and One versions look pretty much the same, but the PS4 version stands out. Just look at that sky. Sure, there are no clouds; but to me, that's a pretty realistic-looking cloudless sky. The sky in the other three versions looks washed out in comparison.

People can we please stop saying there is hardly a difference between current and next gen based on a crappy compressed YouTube video? It's absurd!

The difference between sub 720 and 30 frames per second compared to 1080p 60 frames per second is MASSIVE. However the compression of YouTube (and the fact it can't show

I noticed a bigger jump between PS3 and PS4 than between Xbox 360 and Xbox One

I think this might have sold me a PS4

Step 1: Locate your original box and packaging.

XB1 article?

I can count on one hand the number of digital-only titles that I've bought (Xbox Live Arcade games, to be exact). Call me old school (though I only started gaming in 2007), but for me, it's disc or GTFO. Don't deny me the right to trade in my game, sell it, or share it with friends. (Though I'd be ok with digital

And it's The Order: 1886 you'll never get to play. :)

Sony will have exclusives. They have so many studios and they are all working on something. It's only a matter of time.

you have not HEARD the work Dr.Dre put into 2001 till you hear all the BASS in it. DEEP bass does not come out in the normal rage, rightly so it will kill your speakers, but if you have a good system it will play sub levels you dont get otherwise.

Jalopnik checking in.

This proves that ps4 is better then Xbox One. Still the pc version is going to be better

Every game looks and plays better on PS4. PS4 is the future of consoles.

People tend to act like, after that WS, they've been terrible. A simple look at there seasons previous to last season will tell you the model works. 95ish wins and a playoff birth is essentially what this model has given the Yankees year in and year out EXCEPT for last season. Winning the WS, as is the case with most

I can't wait for MLB The Show this year.

Now playing

For those who've never seen it, this might be the greatest video on YouTube:

I consider myself pretty open-minded. I can't stand Windows 8.

I'll just wait til Win9 and nuke it.

if(Vista:7 == 8:9)
purchase = true;

Calling it a Trojan Horse isn't necessarily accurate. The initial purpose was not to become a multiplayer paywall.
As for your comparison to the X1, he probably means that a lot less things are locked behind Plus than is with Live.