Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Not gonna lie, I'm typing on my Blackberry Q10 right now as we speak. My last 3 phones were: Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Moto Droid Bionic, and HTC Thunderbolt. Before that? Curve 8300. I type too many texts and emails, I missed the keyboard. and I currently have Android sideloads of Google Maps, Pandora, and a few other

To deny the existence of gangs and the ghetto culture in our race is so delusional it's crazy. Was the article worded wrong....yes; released at the wrong time....yes. But that doesn't mean Wilbon is an Uncle Tom for telling it like it is. IIRC, Cosby did the same thing by calling a certain segment of the population

Microsoft straight lied to the consumer (about functionality which was "built in") before the XBONE released... this alone should have them OFF the list. PS4 FTW this go around...

Selecting the Xbox One over the PS4 for most important gadgets of 2013... To dust off an old nutshell, shots fired.

Yet another reason manual transmissions are better.

May be, but at least the Yankees and their high priced free agents have a shot a winning.

You must just not have very clever or funny friends.

8.1 does absolutely nothing to address the problems in 8.

But does it fix the awful start menu? No? We'll stick with 7 then.

People adore WinXP and 7. You know why? Because they're basicaly the same. It's already a FANTASTIC design, and it DOES NOT need to change.

then they fixed the start menu going right back to the tablet "metro" UI?

Superior search? Oh hell no. Search is pretty much all I use the start menu for. And I do not need junk filling my screen every time I try to use it. The problem with the start screen is it screams for attention, even if you just want to do something on the side it's like "look at me! look at all my tiles". There's a

It frustrates me to no end, people who claim the start screen is functionally equivalent to the start menu. It's not. You go from moving your mouse 1/10th of the entire screen, to needing to move your mouse across the entire screen. Why the hell are we using higher resolution monitors if 80% of the resolution is being

See, Microsoft? I would use this! All you have to do is destroy that whole tile crap you've got going and adopt this instead!

He loves it because Rays fans don't know anything about baseball.


Most Jalops would agree—get those who don't like driving OUT of their cars and onto a bus. Less traffic left for those of us who DO ENJOY driving.

There's an alternative purpose for cars far beyond simply transportation. Not everyone agrees that cars a soul sucking, or a necessary evil. Some of us actually ENJOY cars. Weird, huh?

But cyclists aren't people. They're assholes.