Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Except many people, including myself, freaking loved Heavy Rain and think it's one of the best games ever made.

Wow a lot more people disliked Heavy Rain than I thought, I loved that game, super immersive, made me feel genuinely panicked a lot of the time. I'm pumped for Beyond: Two Souls, gotta go pre-order it from gamestop so I can get the steel case, I'm a sucker for metal gamecases.

Heavy Rain didn't have sloppy QTE's at all. In fact it had the best QTE's I've ever seen. You're just being a grump.

I loved Heavy Rain, I would say it wasn't perfect. But it was and still is one of the most immersive digital worlds I've ever experienced. I hold that game in high Regard.

And in that time there may be more depth and substance than the totality of Halo or many other games. Now if it all makes sense... that's another thing.

Was that a tape of Bob Sheppard announcing him into the game? If so, another nice touch.

Heavy Rain was one of the best games of this console generation and it is easy to see how much bigger Beyond is! I simply cannot wait!

Hugely excited for this game. I don't think people should be remotely fooled by the action oriented sequences that they've shown at E3, that's clearly just some marketing for the mainstream. Heavy Rain could be framed in much the same way by focusing on the action oriented stuff in the trailers.

If you think homeruns are the only sexy thing about baseball, you're clearly missing out. This produces a baseball boner.

My fully backwards compatible 60gb PS3 with all kinds of memory card slots and an upgraded 500gb hard drive begs to differ.

This feature has been around since the PSP although not very utilized. It seems with the ps4 and vita they have the horsepower to go all in.

Since when has being a black nerd or "Blerd" become a new or recently noticed thing? We've always been around, we were just lumped in with all the other nerds.

I'm sorry, "rectify" the situation?!?! How about "compound the problem by destroying one icon in the faint hope of reclaiming another, already lost icon"? I mean seriously, "old Penn Station is not walking through that door." And I'll be the first to admit that Penn Station sucks balls. It's far too cramped and

Nobody cares what any of you NY transplants have to say about MSG. You aren't a real NYer, you just moved here. You'll never be a real NYer. and the stupid negative comments about MSG just further proves that. Us real NYers don't want to see MSG move

No clutch? Try telling that to my left foot. Every time I get behind the wheel of an automatic, I spend the first ten minutes of the drive inadvertently brake-checking whoever's behind me.

But you're missing the ENTIRE point. At the speeds most people drive in places most people drive, we don't need BETTER control of the car. We have perfectly fine control of the car. We're not in danger of loosing control of the car. We're going to the edge of control, sure, but still within it. It's 95% of the

While I intellectually get the arguments against 3 pedals, I still don't like it. It's "more = better" type of thinking that I don't think holds in all cases. If I can get this degree of performance doing it one way, and I can get +1 more degree of performance doing it another way, then that's always better. Look,

Most roads with speed limits actually have "minimum" speeds by state, usually they don't kick in till around the 55 mph mark on divided roads but they exist.

Like I said, of course the numbers are close when one just passed the other. Things don't usually happen suddenly. It's been a steady climb for years. But most imporantly, the difference is HUGE everywhere, except The United States. The United States alone has 20 million more 360s than PS3s. This says something about

Nah, Sony as part of the Bluray commitee has a tech that's they keep to themselves for faster bluray playback. Uncharted 2, 3, GOW3 requires no install and it runs smoothly with no popup or slowdown.