Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Here in Utah it's safer to drive on the sidewalks - there's less pedestrians there. They have a pitiful sense of self preservation around here.

Like most people, I absolutely hate the tile interface and never use it. It's so limiting as it makes you feel like you can only do one thing. The active app is all you see. The name of the product is WINDOWS, not "SINGLE TILE".

Removing the Metro interface wouldn't change either of those.

Just a point of fact - 4wd DOESNT HELP YOU STOP IN THE SNOW. It helps you DRIVE (the d part of 4wd). if you are a jackass who thinks everyone is a pussy for driving slow in the snow when you have got 4wd you are likely the fucking problem, and more people with 4wd in the snow who have never driven in the snow would

This proves that ps4 is better then Xbox One. Still the pc version is going to be better

Every game looks and plays better on PS4. PS4 is the future of consoles.

People tend to act like, after that WS, they've been terrible. A simple look at there seasons previous to last season will tell you the model works. 95ish wins and a playoff birth is essentially what this model has given the Yankees year in and year out EXCEPT for last season. Winning the WS, as is the case with most

Part of the problem is the Bloombergian war on cars which made driving worse in the city.

takes up way too much parking as if it wasn't hard enough to find parking befor the bike bs and the city is not a place for people to be bike riding its dangerous and people on bikes aren't careful GET RID OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please go away.
The CitiBikes are a danger to pedestrians, people who know how to bicycle in an urban environment, automobilists, fire fighters, paramedics, EMTs, film crews, and sanitation employees.

RIp 'em all out and crush the damned things. if you want a friggin' bike, BUY ONE. They are like $50 to $75 at WalMart or Target

I can't wait for MLB The Show this year.

Now playing

For those who've never seen it, this might be the greatest video on YouTube:

Win 8 is a worthless piece of crap.

Windows 8 induces nausea. A butt ugly and needlessly confusing UI with NSA improved backdoors.

Completely disagree with the basic premise of this article. Windows 8 is/was a disaster. From a design standpoint, from a furthering of the Windows ecosystem standpoint, from an adoption standpoint, from every standpoint really.

I'm sorry Eric, I call BS. If an interface is clunky or difficult to use, it's essentially broken. (I work doing UI/UX design for a living so I'm not talking out of my you know what.) I remember watching a documentary about a design firm once that was contracted to redesign the toothpaste cap for Crest (i think). They

I consider myself pretty open-minded. I can't stand Windows 8.

I'll just wait til Win9 and nuke it.

if(Vista:7 == 8:9)
purchase = true;

Calling it a Trojan Horse isn't necessarily accurate. The initial purpose was not to become a multiplayer paywall.
As for your comparison to the X1, he probably means that a lot less things are locked behind Plus than is with Live.