Da Gooch from Da Bronx

After Sprint came out and said that the Q10 was coming out in "late Summer", I left for T-Mobile in June for the Q10 (granted I was 2 months from the end of my contract, so I ate a $50 ETF).

As the owner of both a Q10 and Z10, I have to say BlackBerry 10 is the best mobile OS I've used. I won't get this A10, but for those who like large screens, this looks to be a great pickup.

And I'd take the Z10 over the rest any day.

If you want to enjoy BBM now, get a BlackBerry device. BB10 certainly isn't "lackluster" just as iOS and Android aren't "superior". Ultimately a BlackBerry device will always have the best BBM experience.

I'm watching the livestream and can't wait to see what gets announced!

I'd say the creation of Greater New York in 1898 is what makes NYC what it is now.

Interesting that you picked this little blurb up, but have yet to do a Q10 review.

Any chance of a BlackBerry Q10 review?

While it’s nice that Microsoft is putting an option for the Start button in, the fact that it goes to the Start screen and not a proper Start menu, still means Windows 8 is a no go for me.

I feel you on that one. BlackBerry is out with something new that works quite well and there's nothing about it. I'm just shaking my head at it.

I would gladly take one! And I'm sorry, there's no shame for carrying a BlackBerry.

And now the Guardian has retracted the story for corrections

I like Thorsten saying this. iOS has been the same for the most part all these years. I like what BlackBerry has done with BB10 and given the nice reception it has gotten outside the US, it is a competitor and I think will do nicely in the US. I know I'm waiting for it.

I'll take BlackBerry over Apple and Samsung any day.

Funny that some of those on the Nay list have apps for the legacy BB OS (which is known to be difficult to write for), but won't make BB10 apps (which is pretty simple to write for when you have an Android app).

Can't wait to have this in my hands. Take my money, RIM!!

I'd take that BB Torch 9810 any day of the week over an iPhone.

A 10 inch PlayBook? I can dig that. That would stay home to be used while my original 32GB 7 inch PB will continue to go everywhere with me.

Bravo!! I am also "BlackBerry by Choice" and can't wait to see what BB10 brings to the market. I am one of those who MUST have a physical keyboard and my 9930 is one of the best gadgets I own.

I just want to say BRAVO!!! I am a BlackBerry fan and user and I like what I see in BB10. I just want it out already.