Da Gooch from Da Bronx

As someone who is (still) looking forward to BB 10 and the keyboard model that was already scheduled for Q1 2013, I guess this doesn’t affect me. However it does suck that RIM wasn’t able to get BB10 out in time for this year so that people could see it and hopefully buy it. All this will do is keep the naysayers

First and foremost, I need a physical keyboard on my smartphone and the standard BB form factor works perfectly for me. Sure there have been Android phones in the same form factor, but the keyboard layouts are definitely not optimized and neither is the keyboard-OS experience in comparison. There's the customizable

I'm right along with you. RIM isn't dead and I will not give up my BB. There isn't an iPhone, Android or WP7 that works as well as my 9930. Can't wait for BB 10 to hit later this year.

I, for one, would love to have one of these stores in NYC.

I'm a born and raised New Yorker.

I use a BlackBerry Bold 9930 and I'm quite proud of it.

BBX or BlackBerry 10. Makes no difference to me. I'm looking forward to a QWERTY BB10 phone.

I'm a consumer who uses a BlackBerry because I don't want touchscreen only.

Disappointed that OS v2 won't be hitting my Playbook until Feb (hopefully), but I'm cool with it as it is for the most part. I just want a Kindle app.

Finally! Although it doesn't support my 9930 (and CDMA) yet. Looking forward to when the final version hits.

I didn't feel really inconvenienced with the outage (it was kind of only a partial one for me), but there are a couple of apps that I will gladly use.

Actually there's no sarcasm at all. I love my 9930.

Yeah, I've been hit by it. No emails, but BBM and other things seem to be working.

I have a Blackberry and quite proud of it. I've dealt with unexpected BIS outages and yes they suck but they don't happen all that often.

Sorry, but I'm a NYC driver and I will always drive wherever and whenever I want to and yes that includes Manhattan. Driving is not a chore to some people. I actually enjoy driving, even in Manhattan. I take the subway to work in Midtown, but I'd much rather drive and would if parking wasn't so expensive.

I'm a BlackBerry user and I just might give this a shot, even if only to spite Spotify. I've had a Spotify account since about a week after it first showed up in the US and somehow there's no BB app but yet they have one for webOS? Really? I would have been willing to spend the $10 on Spotify if they had a BB app.

Count me among the FIOS customers. I currently have 25/25.

Actually there are regular people buying RIM's products. I have both a BlackBerry phone and Playbook, both purchased by me and not provided by my job. I have bought into the BB ecosystem and will continue to buy BB phones (looking forward to the 9930). Portrait QWERTY keyboard phones are the right form factor for

Bring on the 9930 for Sprint. That will be my next phone.

As a Playbook owner, it is quite easy to use. The bezel gestures are great and make moving about the OS a breeze. Having my Playbook bridged to my Tour makes so much sense the more I use it (I agree that native PIM should have been there along side Bridge). Using my iPod Touch after having the Playbook since day 1