Will Holz

Oh look. A company has to cut fat, yet pay the top guy millions of dollars for this failure instead of sacking his ass.

Nah, but see, he SAYS it’s not unwelcome to LGBT people despite the church saying “LGBT can’t be spiritual leaders”. Surely there’s nothing more welcoming than “you can’t be a good Christian leader because of what God made you.” Can’t you just feel God’s love radiating from that homophobia? Ahhhhh, relaxing.

So I’m not shocked at all that the response doesn’t include any real denial of Page’s criticism.

Please give me an example of a Republican who didn’t have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office by his own party for inexcusable behavior. Bonus points if you can find one who didn’t later say, “Fuck all y’all!”

Pratt seems like a Nice Guy, and it’s clear he has good intentions, but Evangelicals are The Worst. Following the doctrine* prevents you from being a genuinely good person 90% of the time.

They know exactly what it means, and they attempt to gaslight everyone (because they are stupid enough to think it works).

I am always curious what these people think wearing a MAGA hat says to the rest of the world.

Ah, yes, the whole argument of, “Democrats should go high, be professional, reach across the aisle, stay out of discourse, and not engage in any tactics or on any platforms the GOP is actively using against them.”

Because that works so well.

how many years?

OF COURSE it’s some dude targeting a woman. 

Yeah, these democrats attacking her don’t want her to learn procedural shit, they want her to learn to fall into line and become another pathetically moderate democrat who will compromise with the GOP over everything because as wealthy white people, they’re completely isolated from the consequences of their inaction.

These aren’t just some office admins dealing with a new hire, they’re elected officials in one of the most powerful governing bodies in the U.S. who can command tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fundraising from various corporations, some more savory than others.

Now playing

This is QAnon, a conspiracy theory centered around Trump as a superhero. Info about them:


This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

Pretty sure no matter how angry I’ve gotten at video games (god damn you legendary fish in RDR 2). I’ve never been randomly racist?

Good job, gamers. This goes to show that we’re not all entitled pricks. #proudmoment

This is so f@#&ing wholesome I think it made my week. Even compared to the news of Fortuna being released which I was hyped for for a while now.

Now playing

Warframe is a stellar example of positive response to their fans and the community and said fans loving them in turn.