Will Holz

Speaking of that, $20 says Chris Kluwe shows up to their meeting tomorrow and starts breaking people. Foot people gotta stick together! 

Just some passionate, patriotic individuals. People who love their nation. Nationalists, I believe they’re called.

GOP: Let’s immediately begin an investigation into Hillary Clinton sending a bomb to herself!

Clearly there are very fine people on both sides

I think the strategy was “she’s a woman, so she can’t be seen as antagonistic, also it will earn us some Feminist Points (tm)” and “well she’s an expert on sex crimes, of course she’ll be seen as an authority on whether it happened or not.”

“Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset”

Why should I care why people are upset when their reasons for being upset run counter to facts, the way the game functions, statements from the developers about the way the game has always functioned and why the game is designed the

Hey everyone, found the incel!

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.

Ahhh.... the Vikings got called on that same penalty to allow the Packers to score a field goal before the 1st half you fucking hack

The NFL hopes to return next season with a new policy that includes a definition of kneeling.

“Too many people have stances too strong to figure out a compromise,”

I’m actually pretty surprised at the number of people who are like “Nope, no white supremacy or trolling bullshit here. Move along people.” It is like I woke up in Bizzaro world today.

For everyone linking to the ADL blog article stating that this is not a white supremacist symbol, I included a tweet from the guy WHO WROTE THAT ARTICLE. He acknowledged that the symbol has come to represent white supremacy. 

I actually included a tweet in the article from someone in the ADL acknowledging that after the 4chan stunt, this symbol has been co-opted by white supremacists 

Why is it confusing for folks to understand that people of color buy into white supremacy? Like. Just cuz this bitch’s mom’s niece husband’s friend’s auntie is Mexican doesnt mean she’s down.

This op-ed should have been printed in Comic Sans. 

Didn’t Killmonger kill more than 2 people on-screen?

Teddy: Wait, the Jets? I thought you said football?