I kind of like how Ant Man’s music flowed in during Age of Ultron. It had a nifty percussive feel to it.
Great article! The only bad example for a leader is Kirk, isn’t it?
To be fair, Jimmy Carr is generally constantly trying to offend the audience as much as possible...so with him the sexist jokes are the tame ones.
You don’t think it’s super weird to say ‘some otherwise normal outfits distract me from comprehending their words properly’?
My mom always said never speak ill of the dead. So...umm...
“I get what you stand for, but I want you to use [method of protest I perfer] instead” stands somewhere between unhelpful and intentional obfuscation.
Good, we need a lot more of this.
You REALLY don’t want to have baseball players weigh in on this....
“Your boss is full of hot air”- The Lord.
All the feels.
It’s not some binary thing, you’re declaring interest and establishing the market.
Oh man, that’d be awesome! And we could ask for games!
Does it need to be “early adult onset?” I thought schizophrenia usually presented about that time. Or are their different types of schizophrenia?
No way we have enough information to even begin to make a diagnosis. CTE’s far too variable and only recently understood (not that schizophrenia isn’t damn variable too) and the only clues that might be useful for differentiation (history and in some CTE cases nerve control issues) aren’t mentioned at all.
Hot Topic Avengers: Laughing Sad Clown Man.
You can also do color changing ants!
“they found an unresponsive man sitting near the benches” following a drug overdose. They called 911, paramedics got there, revived the guy and he survived.
Given how many people suddenly aren’t driving, it’s probably already saved a few lives too.