Turbineguy: Nom de Zoom

A V8? How pedestrian. Yota reportedly has LF-A engines sitting in a warehouse somewheres that might make for an interesting combination.

I was going to make the easy Jay Leno joke, but Brad beat me to the punch.

I was thinking of the H2/H3. The H1 was milspec with a nice interior. Wasn’t a great road vehicle though. 

I don’t know anybody who owns a modern Wrangler so I’m clueless. Are these reliable? Aside from whatever baked-in quirks? My wife loves these things, but it doesn’t seem to me to be a great choice for a family of four.

They did buy the warranty on this thing, right?

Oooof. His payment is more than my mortgage. The only smart move the guy made was to get out of that ugly X6.

These things are a modern Hummer; just a profiling vehicle that doesn’t really do anything well.

It’s kinda like the VW Buzz, but with a cringey douche CEO.

156hp, you say? 

::golf clap::

That ground controller is going to be looking for a new job if not offered retraining. Coordination between controllers in the tower is critical, for just this reason. 

Just in the pilots’ shorts I’d wager.. 

So DeJoy got something right with these new trucks; doesn’t erase his fuckery prior to the last election. He’s gotta go.

It’s an old joke. Catch up. 

Those of us who’ve been on Jalop a long time will fondly(?) recall the old go-to reference of fiery death back in the Hardigree Era.

The ones that escaped self-immolation.

Almost like the truck wanted to die and steered right towards it.

The car retains its factory-fitted lights and signals

WTF is a 40 year kick?