I hadn’t read that. If that’s the case, that is criminally incompetent design imho.
I hadn’t read that. If that’s the case, that is criminally incompetent design imho.
Seeing as it was going down to the Titanic on the bottom, it wouldn’t be able to go past its crush depth, unless there was a shelf with a steep drop-off by the wreck (which I don’t believe exists).
I can see two resolutions to the problem. One is blasting death metal through an underwater speaker. The other is a hand grenade tossed over the side.
While I appreciate the ship’s history, it’s clear nobody is stepping up to do anything with it. Next stop: artificial reef.
Or we could just build one in Fukushima?
Remote-triggered M80s. Once a few of those jackasses get flash blinded the word will get around. Escalation would be 4oz of C4 for the hardcore offenders.
Wasn’t she part of the fake news media?
Yes, wheel bolts suck.
The oil consumption is higher than a liquid-cooled motor because of increased piston-to-wall clearance but it’s not crazy high if the engine’s compressions are in the normal range.
I had an identical black 2008 Town Car with FR500s I called my hot rod Lincoln. It didn’t have the fun bits this 2011 does though.
I’ll pay $10 for the ripoff tee on Alibaba, thanks.
“Perceived status trumps common sense here”
Delta flies the A220 from MSP to RDU and DFW from what I just read.
But absolutes are so... absolute. In the final analysis, yes, the duopoly continues. But I don’t think that’s by design, just by circumstance. The A220 is a good aircraft and Airbus’ sales of almost 800 a/c is proof. There’s no reason to think Bombardier couldn’t have been successful with that program had the company…
Bombardier was having trouble with slow sales of the CSeries due to market conditions and the company was a bit overextended. Airbus saw the opportunity to buy a controlling stake in the company as a hedge against Boeing. Had oil prices been higher and airlines not leasing older aircraft (less fuel efficient)…
I think it’ll be essentially a home-market aircraft with a limited export market. I don’t know about protecting any duopoly though - Bombardier built the CSeries to compete with the smaller 737 and A320 models before being bought out by Airbus and renamed the A220.
William Shatner approves
Not a decompression event at all. At 700ft on landing approach the cabin is already depressurized so opening the door is possible.
Right. At 700ft on landing approach the cabin is depressurized so the door can be opened.
My unvarnished takeaway: Dealers suck.