I read the headline and though this would be an awesome Stephen King book/movie. Kinda like Maximum Overdrive where all the vehicles become sentient?
I read the headline and though this would be an awesome Stephen King book/movie. Kinda like Maximum Overdrive where all the vehicles become sentient?
Like I said to the other poster, by the time the dimwit cager is aware you’re there you’re already alongside them and if they’re not paying attention (of course, with the phone out they’re not) and they change lanes you risk getting punted into the weeds. Texas has a weird approach - they don’t have a well-defined…
Yeah, that landing was a tad rough. I assume they’re still usable.
I’ve had loud bikes pull up behind me on the highway & I didn’t hear them until they were out of my blind spot. Had I not been paying attention and changed lanes I would’ve punted the guy into the grass. Loud pipes wouldn’t have saved him in that situation because sound is directional. In a head-on situation you’ll…
LOL. Shadetree mechanic mods, ftw!
The factory pipes are pretty quiet. Legal quiet, anyway.
I understand the culture and it sucks, and yes, it is based on nonsense. It’s just an excuse for many to put obnoxiously loud pipes on their bikes and justifying it by saying it’s safer. Cars & trucks don’t need the excuse because of their mass.
It caught up with them though; I don’t think the air-cooled engines will be around for more than five or so years now that the RevMax is out.
Neutral: IMO the Murcielago is the last of the pretty Lambos when they still had curves and 3 pedals.
It’ll probably look a lot like Lord of the Flies with some elements of Tiger King thrown in.
Ah, right. The 107 is avail with twin cooling; on the 114 it’s standard.
But the loud pipes save lives thing is about keeping motorcyclists safe from cars.
Did you mean the water-cooled heads on the Milwaukee 8 motor?
As far as motorcycles go, the problem with that argument is that loud pipes are hard to hear in a car. Also consider insurance companies who live & die by statistics. If loud pipes did save lives, there would be statistics to back it up and you’d get a discount for having them on your bike.
The difference is HDs roll out of the factory with compliant exhaust whereas VW’s TDIs weren’t compliant out of the box.
Potato potato potato. I miss my old Lowrider.
It’s only a matter of time before their air-cooled engines won’t pass emissions. As it is they have to run them lean as hell to pass. Eventually when more of their bikes have the liquid-cooled Rev Max motor it won’t be an issue.
The factory mufflers are DOT legal, but they get replaced by owners who buy into the “loud pipes save lives” bullshit.
But it’s got that faaancy glass that doesn’t break!