Something like this should come with a Liberace wardrobe. And maybe a tiger.
The Earth is a closed system. Nothing ever really goes away.
I can see the press release now: Hyundai partners with California Exotic, maker of adult toys, on virtual combustion engine model for EV products.
Waiting to see him call Xi Jimping a pedo. He wants to fight Putin, so how much of a stretch is it really?
Audi is not sweating this one either.
I haven’t seen a C8 in person yet except briefly on the highway, and maybe they look better in person, but I just can’t warm up to the design. It looks too angular, and the Transformer aesthetic is not growing on me. Maybe if Callaway offers a C8 body kit like the old C12 to soften the edges it might resonate. And the…
I think that’s Zora Arkus Duntov.
*sounds like bald eagles nuking the moon in the name of freedom and smells faintly of corn
I bet Kerbeck will get 20 of these. They’re the #1 volume Vette dealer afaik.
I hope somebody posts a video to YouTube if so.
I’ve read Ukraine troops have destroyed almost 400 tanks since the shooting started. That’s a lot of heavy MGs to find new & awesome uses for. We should be sending them rivet guns to attach those things to any vehicle they can.
Most luxurious technical ever.
Russian conscripts might be the ones drilling holes in their gas tanks so they don’t have to continue to fight.
Hell yeah. Probably the most reliable of the bunch.
I see a Dodge trying to fit in with its highfalutin neighbors..
I get your point but think it’s safe to say a guy who’s been training in judo for 50 years is probably quite adept regardless of whether his belts are legit. That plus his KGB training adds up to an ass-beating for Musk or Bezos, so I wouldn’t bet against him. And those shirtless photos have generated many awesome…