Digital signs on a randomized timer. I want a man to go into the men’s and come out of the women’s.
Digital signs on a randomized timer. I want a man to go into the men’s and come out of the women’s.
If my two bathroom doors were side-by-side like that, I’d put the words MEN and WOMEN over each door like the liquor control board wanted...and then have a policy in place that in practice means “use whichever one, they’re both the same.”
I remember back as a freshman in college in the fall of 1991 when people tried to compare this coon ass, stepin fechit house negro to Justice Thoroughgood Marshall and I damn near lost my mind. This is why the 2016 election was so fucking important and to any of you fake ass progressives that sat it out, made a…
He did though.
I buy about 4 tons of aluminum a quarter for fabrication work, buying from American processors who turn ingots into sheets and other usable shapes.
Yuengling is ass
Mind Ya Damn Business: Exploring The Caucasian Need to Enter Black Spaces and Give Unsolicited, Unwanted Opinions
Yeah, I found it. I would, however, think that the goal of articles like this would be to not send me to other sites to find this information. If you are talking about a game, I would say pertinent info like publisher, platform, release date, and price should probably be included. At least that is what my old editor…
Petition to add the cost of games to reviews and previews if it is available.
No Gromit, for shame.
It’s not complicated math. In 2019 you can make well over 6 figures as a family and still have minimal un-allocated funds for big ticket purchases. If you’re covering all financial responsibilities like mortgage, 401K, Roth IRA, 529, day care, insurances, house upkeep, then the bucket gets empty very quickly. God help…
Absolutely agree on the 1554. It’s my favorite NB beer.
It looks like a pile of expensive, dangerous garbage to me. They can’t be destroyed soon enough.
This in the wake of two school shootings within the last couple of weeks.
Behavior rationalized is behavior normalized—and nothing normalizes quite like humor.
...I just don’t have words anymore. Fuck.
I’m assuming McDonald’s founder was Killer Kroc?
Man, I shouldn’t be able to identify these by sight, but they’re these:
I am crying over the fact that there are both Doritos and unsleeved cards in one of the pictures.