
Dude, no personal offense intended, but you’re making us Caucasian males look bad...

“You get out of here with your science and logic, ya hear? It ain’t welcome!”

Nope. Her goal is to funnel public money into private religious schools, so that the children can learn that Jesus rode on a dinosaur.

You know what as a centrist who think liberals and conservatives should go fuck themselves into the nearest active volcano. I dont mind paying a little more so people can have a living wage, not have to work 3 jobs to support their children, and be able to be home to raise their children.

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

HAARP and SBX have nothing to do with each other. HAARP is in the HF band, and interacts with the fluoride in tap water to fluoridate the mercury in your vaccines to control you mind. SBX is in a completely different band (X-band, obviously), and ionizes chemtrails to deflect meteorites.


How come you wrote Obama’s middle name but not Trump’s? That’s really stumping me.

Really, Shaw was screwed the moment he became aware of the bet. Either he eats pie and knowingly makes the bet pay, or he doesn’t eat pie and knowingly makes the bet lose.

So witches float and wizards sink?

Cry me a river.

Where is it from? Me :)

How do you squint your brains?

“Look in the mirror dumbass. See what happens when you jam a candidate that nobody likes down our throat.”

What kind of example can we set for our children when, as adults, we can’t even agree on anything. How can we argue about our children’s public education, while being uneducated ourselves?

Definitely with bodily fluids.

“Artist’s rendering of White House transition of power. Image via Kensington Palace/The British Monarchy.”

This is like saying, “Oh, don’t see the exact type of big-budget sci-fi film you like? Get a group of friends and go make one! You don’t know how to make films? Or have 200 million dollars? What’s wrong with you?”

Thanks, dude.

Brilliant work, Ev.