
Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

The irony of the people insisting she should have read the job’s requirements before agreeing to the job, not reading the article itself.

!= > <>

That was a great move! Instant karma and the satisfaction of doing sth wrong to someone who did sth wrong to you. I’d totally do the same. Cheers to the skateboarder.

Great, now there's a crack in it.

Shipping a car is a trade secret?

All that does is give ammunition for their competition, oh look company x can’t deliver cars, you should come buy our car instead.

I’ve ordered a (non-Ford) car from Europe that was also delayed considerably. However, I had access to an online tracker that was updated every few days, and my dealer had really detailed information every time I called. I was even able to figure out the vessel information and tracked my my car on a boat all the way

SORRY, but that woodie is borderline fabulous.

It’s very likely that the reason the drug test failure was revealed six days after the fight is because that’s when the UFC found out about the drug test failure.

No it isn’t.

I really liked the battle system as the game wasn’t really geared towards JRPG fans who want to fight bosses with 10 million HP, but rather fans of the franchise who want to experience the world, humour and story.

No, they’re idiots. What you don’t see is all the not-idiots who paid attention while driving a giant truck and went a block down to the level crossing.

And it defeats the “Don’t judge all cops by the few bad ones” argument too. Because whenever there’s any abuse of power by police, the unions circle the wagons and fight tooth and nail against any attempt at reform.

Critical Mass: Car edition. Daily.

Spoken like someone with TONS of life experience. You sound like one of those Randian whiteboys who thinks poverty isn’t a problem because most poor American households have refrigerators, but considers himself a financial genius for waiting a year to buy an XBox One.

Stupid stuff like high speed car chase through generic downtown major American city to a funky soundtrack?

i was going to go to a strip club tonight, but now no need

I have a hard time with 1st gen including the 71-73 cars. Those monsters don’t seem like they should have enough in common with the 60s stangs. Not saying it’s wrong, but it feels wrong.