
It’ll be scary to maintain after the bomb, that’s for sure. Or did you miss the “apocalypse” in “apocalypse truck”?

How people are reacting to this album right now:

Ur so rite

Yeah, sure is ignorant of these people to assume that if you vote for a bigot, you’re either a bigot yourself or you’re comfortable with enabling bigotry. Totally naive. Also, it’s probably just those dumb libtards putting up racist graffiti and attacking gays and minorities since the election, and not racist Trump

I’m not distancing anyone from anything, you are. I’m simply saying responsibility for NAFTA falls at more peoples’ feet than just the Democrats. I’m not letting Clinton (or Chretien, for that matter) off the hook, but you and a lot of others seem happy to let Bush Sr. slide on his part in it.

I knew a couple of people who had Talons back in the day. They were beasts, and more common where I lived than Eclipses. I’d love to find one now and fix up/modify it, but I bet the parts would be cost-prohibitive these days for the results you’d get.

NAFTA was signed and enacted by a Democrat president (with a Republican congress) and a Liberal PM, but was mostly negotiated by a Republican president and a Conservative PM. It’s bipartisan.

Funny, I remember during the primary, a lot of Clinton supporters said stuff like “yeah, I agree more with Bernie’s policies, but Hillary is more electable.” WORKED OUT GREAT, DIDN’T IT?

American parents. If Ted Cruz is eligible, being born in Calgary, so is the Mk1 GT40.

“car engine parts are pretty much identical no matter how you cut it”

Holy shit. You really have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?

Not a big fan of raisins in general, mostly because of the texture. But oatmeal raisin cookies are ok. The softness of the cookie and the raisins together kind of works in a way that either alone doesn’t. Chocolate chip is better, but oatmeal raisin is fine, too.

“He died doing what he loved, getting drunkenly powerbombed through a table at a Bills game.”

Good. Then he can’t choke any more women with it.

How is Babby formed?

The point, though, is that this is a car that is still being built and sold. “A car engineered before the frontal offset crash test would perform poorly at it” is an obvious statement and wouldn’t even be worth stating if we were talking about a car that ended production in 1997. Instead, we’re talking about one that

It’s true. In fact, the IIHS couldn’t even run this test in real life, the Tsuru would simply appear a couple of feet to the right just before impact, as if it had ALWAYS been there and observers merely thought they had them on a collision course. The video above is just a very advanced computer simulation. You can do

Hey man, don’t shame him. Some of us drink a lot of coffee, okay?

His facial expression looks like he’s calling someone from prison. It’s so great.