
If America had a VP-elect who waved his dick at press conferences and literally ate shit, it would apparently be disrespectful to boo because of the position alone.

“Colleges and universities are liberal indoctrination centers!” yell my relatives who barely made it out of high school and have no further education.

We also haven’t received a raise in 5 years, while illegal aliens, people who shouldn’t be here, receive free home, health care, food, and welfare.

He punches nerds.


Not black.

It has very solid controls and physics that are immediately intuitive and have almost no learning curve (unlike SMB1), has somewhat challenging but fair level design, constantly throws new obstacles at you so it always feels fresh, has a wide variety of fun powerups, secrets, and a memorable soundtrack. I play

Eh, there’s real hard where the challenge is in skill, and there’s Nintendo Hard where the challenge leaned more to the side of fake difficulty.

Kirby’s Adventure is well better than Super Mario Bros. Better control, more content, better designs, amazing sounds, novelty for days.

Whatever else can be said about his qualities, he is an absolutely unparalleled snake-oil salesman.

You know, recommending the assassination of a legally elected candidate is not cool.

I hope Trump sends the rest of their jobs overseas and the region completely dies after last night. I don’t care about how awful and petty that sounds. Clinton planned to give new ckean energy plans to the region; Mango Mussolini has no plan, and I hpe they fucking choke on it.

I think the issue is that Hillary didn’t speak to them specifically as white people. Because she should not have needed to. Those ppl weren’t the only communities in the rust belt suffering. People in the next neighborhood over were going through the same thing, and worse.

By claiming racism, sexism, xenophobia, or other fun castigations, you are completely missing that these communities are reacting to their situation continuing to get worse.

Dont forget that if you mentioned the words neo and liberal together you would have to deal 900 reason that Hillary Clinton was not one but more importantly that Neo-Liberal was not actually a real thing. Its probably also wrong to mention that in Florida that she ran for 1 whole weak in the I4 corridor ads that were

Was this filmed on Game Boy Camera?

Trick question, all sports fans are insufferable in their own way.

If you can’t jack off with your ghost dad to a soundtrack of the Cubbies winning the goddamned World Series, I don’t think this is even America anymore.

It’s a phenomenal vehicle.

He is a basic man doing basic things and getting accolades from basic people for what they consider revelations.