
A year ago I would have said big honky V8. No way a fullsize truck, especially a top line Raptor should have a V6. My last two F150s were 4.6 and 5.4 V8s. I never ever would have bought a V6 in the past. I’m “that guy” that makes fun of V6 Mustangs and Camaros.

Being old, out of touch, and resistant to change is what makes this country the best in the world***!

Typical of soccer to have an important match decided in a shootout.

This is why mustangs have that reputation. The challenger owner are less likely to survive to do it again.

I just disagree completely with an unfair product being a better product.

I watch basketball to watch basketball. If the rules aren’t followed, then it becomes pointless. If kicking a guy in the crotch isn’t worthy of a game off, then the product takes another hit. I don’t mind hard fouls.

The attempt at a level

Fuck and no.

Fixed it for you:

504 self-identified Native Americans

Oh, I don’t disagree with you about cars from this era being generally unreliable pieces of crap. That said, this is the kind of car you take a gonzo approach to modifying, racing, fixing.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

An e30 m3 is a good car in general. It’s also iconic and well known. In 10 years there will be all of 50 people who remember the hot version of the 323.... Which will be down from the 100 that remember it now.

If you have a robot read Rovell’s tweets it creates an infinite loop where the only sound that comes out is a steady thin metallic screeching

“I’m old” isn’t a very good excuse anymore. Rap/Hip-hop has been popular for going on 30 years.

I thought you were supposed to throw trash on the floor in the back until it reached the height of the seats. That’s how you know it’s time to empty it.

I’m with you, invasions were a nice little gimmick early on in the series but now it is just super annoying. I would rather have an option to receive the benefits of embered with messages and coop without player invaders.

Is that what this is all about?

This morning in San Antonio:

Listen, and understand! Preston Garvey is out there! He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you help that settlement!

Pro tip: store your spare shower beer in the top tank of your toilet to keep it cooler than room temp. You are right though, warm beer is better than no beer.