
Have you ever been able to carry a metaphor through an entire sentence

The Cardinals are mediocre and the Yankees are awful. Do we really need a Christmas this year?

At this point I have more respect for those who simply go with “ur”

“Let’s see what’s in the funbag today!”

Thank goodness he wasn’t wearing a gas mask full of weed or the NFL might have a real problem.

I’m still baffled as to why ESPN hasn’t seen the writing on the wall and allowed cord cutters to pay a monthly fee directly to them in order to watch everything they offer online. They offer that to cable subscribers, so why not just extend it to anyone willing to pay? I’d absolutely pull the trigger.

Do Not Masturbate While Seated

The only thing that would make this far left head explode is if Schilling started washing dishes at the Rhode Island state capitol to pay back the $115 million.

Schilling is headed to Barstool where he can continue to pander to suburban Massachusetts racists.


I don’t understand how some people that come from a country made up from fifty states seem to struggle with the concept of the UK

Marvel vs DC, in Dance Party Gif form:

It’s not unreasonable to judge an artist’s upcoming project based on their past work, especially when it’s part of a franchise that saw four virtually identical games released within the span of a year.

Well crap, looks like I missed the window to play a version of the game that would have been more enjoyable for me.

I haven’t tried Hyper Light Drifter yet, so this is just my thoughts on difficulty in general:

I feel like wanting to be a “badass drifter” by measuring your ability to play a videogame is like measuring your ability to manage a city by playing Simcity.

Unless it’s about removing anime titties and then it’s a war crime that needs to be reported to the UN. We need those anime titties; games aren’t games without them!!!!!11!!

If McGregor retires, I understand. I wouldn’t do that shit.

One of the Whitecaps supporters groups sent a group to a Canucks game last season, and they were ejected by Rogers Arena staff because the regular Canucks fans objected to them singing and cheering.

In 2008, the Whitecaps were guests at a Canucks game after winning the USL First Division Championship, and were booed by