
I don’t understand how anyone can defend Bertuzzi’s attack on Moore. One of the worst cheap shots ever.

All-Star Superman is the best Superman series of the modern era. American Alien is going to go down as possibly the best Clark Kent series ever. Between those two books, you have the blueprint for what the character is and what the character should be. Simple as that.

Chara on Pacioretty

Reason #4,598,098 why people should ditch organized religion, ESPECIALLY if you are a woman.

This is why I just wipe my hands on the back of the guy next to me at the urinal. No muss, no fuss.

I’m pretty sick of you dredging that story up, yankee. You know perfectly well what happened. It’s a little thing called chain of command and we still respect it, down here.

Starred for the suggestion of a Zach Synder-directed Question movie. I’d be there opening night, vibrating with happiness.

They could fix the Final Fantasy Series so easily:

Because, as a prequel to ST:TOS, it would have made more sense for Capt. Pike to be involved.

Only one died.... poor Manny Bothans :(

Remote Arousal Engineer

You put his face on the wrong end of the animal.

“Yankees are a bunch of douchebags” - sing it to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme’s fun!

Exactly this, couldn’t have been said better. Timm also knows how to balance a humor into that darkness as well.

First time I broke my nose, I had no idea because I was a nose-picker as a child and bloody noses were a common occurrence.

Facts and data be damned! I will rant anyhow!!!!!

I choose the third option. People like you.

I suppose you don’t like soccer uniforms being called “kits” either.

Actually, this is a good and correct opinion. Peeps are an abomination in the sight of God.

Vita = Portable

This all seems like a pretty good way to launder drug money.