
God, I wish the Scott Pilgrim game was still available. Preferably with a new port for PS4, Xbox One, and PC (and Vita too, while we’re dreaming of things that will never happen.)

We don’t agree though, because I don’t think you can totally separate the result from the action. The action should be punished regardless of the result (and intent, which is another BS way the DoPS dodges suspending stars), because the action needs to be deterred regardless, but the result can’t be ignored either.

Sounds reasonable. And I’m sure you have a very sound and logical explanation of how having an optional, easier difficulty would ruin your experience by not forcing you to play it.

I have absolutely no problem with Bertuzzi being suspended longer based on the severity of the injury. That sort of thing gets considered when sentencing people for crimes as well (and it’s worth noting that Bertuzzi was charged criminally for his actions too, and even plead guilty.) I am more bothered about it going

I’m definitely not a Canucks fan, but I was recently in Vancouver and caught a Whitecaps game while I was there and had a lot of fun. I wish my hometown could manage even half as good a soccer crowd.

Ah, found the Nucks fan. By your own admission, it was a suspendable offense. He cheapshotted Moore without provocation. Moore had already fought Cooke that night, according to the stupid Code, that should have been the end of it. Bertuzzi went above and beyond. I would also like more consistency in NHL discipline,

The Blues won’t win the Cup so who cares? Fuck the Hawks bandwagon and fuck Patrick Kane. Go Blues! (For now).

My sister-in-law (a Canucks fan) STILL defends Bertuzzi. It’s ridiculous but they all think Moore got what was coming to him for not fighting Bertuzzi, even though he already fought Matt Cooke earlier in the game. This is a situation where Matt Cooke would be considered a shining example of The Code, and Canucks fans

No one spoke to you either, shitbird so take your rape-apologist ass the fuck out of here.

Lol no. Point your browser over to Pitchfork and marvel at the myriad of faceless bands trying to imitate either 90's Seattle or *shudders* 90's Olympia.

Fantastic is probably overstating it, but I also liked Snyder’s Watchmen. He stayed pretty close to the material and basically just reshot the comic. That’s good, because the comic was great and the movie didn’t fuck with that, but it’s bad because it did nothing to elevate the material. There’s no real reason to

“I also could claim any of those things”

These are extenuating circumstances. I mean, really, have you even seen Sucker Punch? That’s the guy WB/DC put all their faith in?!

Most of them have a better grasp of pacing and level design. They also don’t usually overstay their welcome the way Doom 3 did. When I finish a Halo game or a Gears game, I feel “done”, so to speak. Like, I’m good, I’m satisfied and ready for the next game in my backlog. I got that feeling less than halfway through

I replayed Doom 3 a couple of months ago and it deserved every bit of criticism it got. It was fun, tense, and sometimes scary for the first couple of hours, but after that it got repetitive and boring. Go down narrow corridor into room, get item or activate button, enemies spawn right behind you, rinse, repeat. None

The difference being that Bruce Timm actually understands how to tell a dark story and build it up with character development and a cohesive plot. The only times Snyder has been capable of this was in straight adaptations of other people’s work, and even then the substance managed to get obscured by the style.

I think the whole point of this article was that that would actually be straight porn

“winged reptile”

I don’t have a strong opinion on foreign vs. domestic creme eggs specifically, but generally speaking, American chocolate and candy is ass. Stop putting corn syrup in everything, it’s fucking disgusting.

I would be disappointed if a game based Slaine didn’t have a soundtrack by Slough Feg.