
Yeah, well here’s the other thing. Some people do care about the story and characters, because there’s nothing inherent to superhero movies or action movies in general that prevents those things from being part of the movies or good in their own right. I’m sorry if you’re not smart enough to appreciate movies on a

Yeah, giant. You can’t fit it in a lot of vintage Fords without cutting or hammering the shock towers because it’s wider than a 428. *bitter grumbling ensues*

Doesn’t that describe all of Papa John’s pizzas?

Leaving aside the incredibly circle-jerky debate on the ethics of software piracy, I’d be interested to know what the difference in play time is like between pirated and legitimate copies, especially broken down by localization. I’m curious to see how many pirates are playing the game the whole way through, or even a

My wife makes more than me and it’s dope as hell. I admittedly get a little weird when she wants to help me pay down my debts (it’s my mess, damn it, she shouldn’t have to clean it up) but being an “artist” type, it’s nice to know someone is handling the adulting around our place.

Lol “Priapus”. His name basically means “boner”. Subtle writing for sure.

You’ll probably have to google for it, but there’s a video online of Stone Cold doing a commentary track over his match with the Rock at Wrestlemania X-7 and it’s pretty good. Worth a watch if you’re a fan.

Just guessing based on numbers, probably, but you’re kidding yourself if you think women aren’t capable of writing that. Lawyers are vicious.

I live in western Canada and was trying to give watching Bundesliga a go for a bit, but getting up at 7AM on Saturdays after being out all night on Friday was brutal. European soccer is probably the only thing that would convince me to move east rather than further west. At least Champions League is on at a reasonable

I don’t own a PS4, but if a Vita version actually comes out it’ll be a day one buy for me. I won’t be surprised if that one gets dropped though and I have to settle for the Steam version.

I’m more bummed that it’s probably too much for the Vita to handle. I hope there’s a PC version.

I was going through a box of old toys the other day and found a pizza that turned into a throwing star, so I think the Ninja Turtles have already answered that.

I also love that “Morality holds progress back” quote. Yeah buddy, your hack to win a race in Mario Kart is going to be looked at as a pivotal milestone in human development. How dare these moralizing peons hold back your great work.

Yeah but generally not games. Aside from extremely simple stuff, you generally had to exit Windows 3.1 and start the game from DOS.

Not really sure if it’s the same with baseball players, but most athletes peak before 30. The decline isn’t necessarily fast or immediately severe, and there may be some veteran savvy that helps keep them useful, but generally speaking, athletes over 30 will see declines in their performance. Giving them a lot of

I was really hoping she would have made a few of the same kind of jokes about it that Weasel did, and THEN get to the romantic part. That was the only part of the movie I really didn’t like. It felt too Hollywood and out of tone with the rest of the movie.

I decided to look this up after, and while I was wrong about them being in the hunt (the Giants were eliminated before they even played Minnesota), you’re not citing the right stat as to why they were screwed regardless. The Redskins weren’t 9-7 during the NY-MN game, only 8-7. Hypothetically, a win would’ve made the

CFL season doesn’t start till June, god damn it

Weren’t they still in the hunt for a playoff spot when he got suspended? I mean, I wouldn’t blame him for the Giants missing the playoffs but he didn’t that didn’t help.

This post is the god damn truth. Throw off the comforter when you get too hot and just curl up with the sheet? What kind of animal does that? The comforter should be soft and cuddly like a pillow you wrap your whole body in. A sheet can’t compare to that! Regulator leg all the way.