
So splurge on one. If you can afford even a modest set of sheets, you can afford a god damn duvet cover.

If you want to know what frustration is, go to a Canadian pub and order a pint. You might get an Imperial pint (which would make the most sense, as it’s still a Commonwealth country), an American pint, or, if the bar owners are real fucking assholes, a 12 oz. glass which is obviously neither, but it’s beer in a glass

As someone who loves both the CFL and soccer and hates Toronto, the endless whining about this from Toronto FC fans has been pretty glorious.

Everything about Fallon is insufferable.

Been saying this for years. I went to a couple when I was 18-19 when my friends decided to go and spent more time playing arcade games instead of watching titties. I prefer to do my titty watching in private.

Yeah if they speak to someone’s soul or whatever, I’m not mad about it. I disagree but really, who cares? But what makes them or any other artist great or not great shouldn’t be described in the terms you’d use to describe a chair or a home renovation or whatever. I genuinely feel bad for someone whose idea of a great

This is true, but if you’re not interested in solving the puzzles yourself, why bother playing a game primarily comprised of puzzles? Why not spend your time doing almost anything else?

If your idea of great art can be described in roughly the same terms as the build quality of a Toyota Corolla, then maybe art just isn’t for you. If that makes you mad, that’s your problem.

If you’re upset that “competently executed” is not really how great art is judged, perhaps you should calm yourself down by looking at a Thomas Kinkade painting.

None of those things are what makes a band “great”, but if they are your standard, I can understand why someone as soulless as Sting appeals to you.

No. “Good” is a good word to describe them. Also acceptable: fine, decent, listenable, and cromulent.

I had to order a second one. Of course, I still would’ve rather ordered a 128GB microSD, but what can you do?

Unpopular opinion but I agree. I’m actually into the idea of Squirrel Girl and the less serious elements of the Marvel universe, but Ryan North’s writing annoys the shit out of me. Fuck that guy.

Since you guys obviously spent a ton of time optimizing this even for weaker hardware, what would be the odds of a Vita port? I’m assuming ‘slim’ but I think the Vita crowd would lose their minds for a game like this.

I love crime and gangster movies, and GTA4 was the first, and really only, time the series felt like a good crime movie. I know most people found the tone shift from the story to the sandbox jarring, but overall, I loved it. It really captured the characters you find in those movies, the mixture of likeable and

Seattle fans are terrible, and I don’t want to take that away from them, but the problem with saying they’re coming for the Packers’ fans as #BFIF is they haven’t been shitty fans for long enough. Every time a usually-terrible team gets good, obnoxious shitheads jump on the bandwagon and taint the whole fanbase, but

I’m pretty sure it works with PRBoom. I don’t know if it works with any of the other source ports.

As someone whose hometown is forking over close to half a billion in direct construction costs alone for an arena, I agree with this assessment. Ideally, these guys would get exactly jack shit from the government, but stuff like infrastructure improvements and tax breaks are pretty standard for just about any kind of

As an Edmonton Eskimos fan, I’d like to thank the NFL for its ridiculous racism. We couldn’t have won 5 consecutive Grey Cups without Warren Moon, and he’d have never worn the Green and Gold for that long if not for a league full of backwards hicks.

The speed counter was a giveaway that it was an emulator, but I would have thought anything beyond speeding up the emulator would be cheating on the 0.5 presses thing.