
There were also a few translucent GBC carts, but I can’t remember which games got them, just that I had at least one.

This was something that stood out to me too, and struck me as kind of sad. Unless this guy has some kind of mechanism for holding down the necessary button/direction for 12 hours until he picks it up again, that’s most of a day spent doing basically nothing. And then you have to factor in the amount of time he spent

That Kroenke isn’t getting tax money for his team is pretty much the only silver lining in the whole debacle. But attendance also tends to go hand in hand with having a decent team, and LA wasn’t setting any attendance records when they had a team last time either.

Both of those things are evil. Being against burdening taxpayers with the cost of a stadium and being against relocating teams and abandoning their fanbases are not mutually exclusive. Some of us are of the opinion that these fucks should pay for this shit themselves.

Both New York teams play their home games in New Jersey. At least this is in the same state.

This argument is strange to me. He’s never fought professionally, so he should be thrown in the deep end against an undefeated contender? I get that the hype train is excessive for him, but presumably his first few fights should be against people with similar levels of experience, no? Obviously, it’ll be rigged-ish if

Excited for the Vita version to be cancelled at the last minute with barely any mention from the publisher *cough cough* thanks Devolver

If Dave Grohl said that, it’s because he’s quoting Lemmy, who said it in the 70’s.

“Remember, if you use the word ‘actually’ in any comment, you probably need to stop typing and re-evaluate your social skills.”

I’ve never encountered this but after NYE, I usually don’t want to even look at booze until February regardless.

This guy also went to jail and actually paid for his crime, and made changes to his life to prevent himself from making the same mistakes again. But feel free to keep making dumb comparisons.

Depends on the name and the person, but generally no, not intentionally. Most often, there is at least an attempt to say the name right, though it often gets butchered anyway just due to the Anglo accent.

I remember playing the PS1 version of Doom on mushrooms back in the day. It was a pretty intense experience.

Given the benefit of hindsight, it’s obviously the NeoGeo and the choice isn’t close. At the time? I’d probably still go with a NeoGeo, but between “shiny new console” and $200+ cartridges, it’s a tougher choice.

This is an actual brand of beer you could buy. The first time I saw it at a liquor store, I thought maybe someone had shot a movie or TV show there and forgot to clean up their props afterwards. Turns out no, it’s just some shitty cheap beer.

There’s almost certainly a pub near you showing it. Put the $50 towards wings and pints and enjoy a night out, but be careful of MMA bros.

I’ve considered it but between the cost, the painful recovery, the downtime, and the need for physiotherapy (and all of this assuming everything goes according to plan!), it never got past the idle thought stage. But then, I’m (just barely) closer to 6 feet than 5. If I were a bit shorter, those few extra inches might

PSV won and United lost. Have a nice afterlife.

None of the important people involved in making these games is at Square anymore. The same company made the originals and the remakes, not the same people.

I have a ton of horror stories like these from my tech support days. Hands tied by company policy and dealing with people going from zero to death threat in 3.7 seconds. I still remember the point where I completely checked out and just started hanging up on anyone who raised their voice at me. I put my two weeks