
This joke would be better if Calgary wasn’t in Alberta.

Forget VR. I would kill to have Psychonauts on Vita. (Brutal Legend, too.) That could raise a few bucks for Psychonauts 2, Tim...

I took one look at that picture and thought the mascot was a caricature of either a prospect or a gunslinger, and that was before reading the article. Reading it, it seems like the conclusion was obvious. It kind of confused me that anyone would consider this mascot racist, aside from white people using it as an

“After Mork, Levant went back to Happy Days in a more senior role, and later directed successful movies like Beethoven, The Flintstones and Jingle All the Way.”

I’m sure there’s a place in Portland that sells them. You might have to have the right kind of ironic moustache to buy one though.

People get weird about watching leagues other than the top tier of a given sport. I watch a fair amount of second-tier/AAA/whatever sports and am usually entertained, especially live. And it’s tough to take someone’s comments about watching “only the best in the world” seriously when they’re talking about the Browns

Americans need to learn how to make trophies from Canadians and Europeans. If you can’t (hypothetically) drink the blood of your fallen enemies from the trophy, then you might as well just hand out actual garbage to the winners.

Just imagine. If Harvard would have had a proper regulation sized rugby field, you’d be playing under these rules too.

You’d be surprised how rarely anything like that happens.

My wife brines turkey before roasting it and even the white meat is succulent and flavourful. Fucking great stuff. But her dad covers it in bacon and throws it on the grill and it is seriously among the best food I’ve ever eaten. Fuck anyone who hates turkey. After the president pardons a bird, one of those assholes

He claimed the studio messed up his script a ton and was unhappy with the result, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt there. Robocop 2 and 3 were reasons he stayed away from Hollywood until Sin City. A few years ago though, they released his supposed actual script in comic form, and it was even worse than the

True, but his legacy is also not unimpeachable, and when his name is attached to new work, you have to admit Holy Terror and All-Star Batman and Robin are not non-factors when deciding whether or not to check it out.

Yes, but when saying Frank Miller is overhyped, it by definition includes his worst work as well as his best. It’s a different statement than “his run on Daredevil is overhyped” or “Sin City is overhyped”. Saying “M. Night Shyamalan is overrated” doesn’t mean Unbreakable wasn’t great, it means his overall body of work

To summarize, the actual distinction being made here is the difference between “Frank Miller has written some of the greatest comics of all time” and “Frank Miller is one of the best comics writers of all time”. It’s the difference between saying “The Dark Knight Returns is overhyped” and “Frank Miller is overhyped”.

Maybe you should take some time to read my actual post and not just make up what you want to respond to. At no point did I say anything about invalidating any work. If Spielberg had spent the last 20 years making nothing but AI-quality movies or worse, yes, I would have no problem calling Spielberg overhyped at this

I don’t think we are. You’re looking at Miller’s best work and scoffing at the notion that he’s overhyped. I’m saying that his entire body of work should be considered. No one whose opinion could be taken seriously would say Miller was overhyped 20 years ago, but it’s not 20 years ago. The hype he gets now, the

If you heard Stan Lee was working on a new comic, would you really get excited for it? Do you really think he’d be pulling out another Spider-Man or Incredible Hulk after stuff like Stripperella or the NHL Guardians? Do you think Metallica’s next album is going to put Master Of Puppets to shame, whenever they get

At this point, he is. I wouldn’t put 300 among his better works myself, but that aside, most of the works you mention are decades old at this point. He’s also responsible for Holy Terror, All-Star Batman & Robin, DKSA, a terrible Robocop 2 comic, and a terrible movie based on the Spirit. The guy has spent the last

It’s kind of strange that Miller did easily one of the all-time worst Batman stories while Morrison did one of the all-time best Superman stories, both under the All-Star banner.

Worked on mine. Tilt to move, tap the screen to jump. It’s janky as hell though.