
I checked this out this because I thought Mireille Enos was great in The Killing, even though Shonda shows are usually too soapy for my tastes. I was willing to go with the whole smart-woman-foolish-choice premise — but the 3-inch false eyelashes on Mireille were ridiculous.

And not because she’s trans. The same can be said of Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, pretty much any other Republican women.

The inability to detect when your “ideas” are just hot takes, i.e. butt lint: (“what could have led him to become a convicted rapist”) is a sign of privilege. If Abbott had instead decided to examine his own feelings of identification with and sympathy for a rapist, he might have actually written a worthwhile article.

When was the last time you read about a woman becoming violent towards a man because he refused to go out with her/have sex with her? Yet there are several stories just within the past 12 months of men becoming violent toward women for this.

A friend of mine who lives in Redneckland saw a man wearing a t-shirt reading “My sperm, my child, it should be my choice” above an illustration of a fetus. She walked over to him (this was in the local Walmart BTW, the only place to shop for miles around), and said “What would your mother say if she knew you wear

Isn’t portraying a racist era without commenting on the racism just a way of continuing the racism? They could, for instance, have written a scene where a black actor complained about the dearth of roles s/he could audition for. They could even have gotten a little meta with a white character replying to the black

At this point, all the Republican candidates are basically just playing a game of conservative madlibs, just filling in the blanks:

Don’t be silly. Since you date men, you are either a woman or a gay man. Therefore your anger is not a glorious flaming pillar of righteousness and does not earn you the right to harm others—or to receive cookies. That is the birthright of cis het white (or white-adjacent) men. You can only bake and/or distribute the

Not surprisng they take this attitude about Cosby. Google Notre Dame and rape to see what a long history the university has with ignoring and/or covering up sexual assault.

The next act of the story is the one where she breaks up with him from beyond the grave.

When I read stories I like this, I start thinking that spending a few hundred years as a vengeance demon wouldn’t be as bad as the writers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer made it out to be.

One of the better Drunk History skits. However, there should be an actual feature length movie about Harriet Tubman. What she did was amazing. If it wasn’t for racism and Hollywood’s preference for white saviors (12 Years a Slave) and/or rape & guns stories (Django), there would already be 2 or 3 versions of her life

I actually saw an argument in the comments section of another website where the dingleberry who compared gay relationships to bestiality claimed she wasn’t homophobic at all because “there are many countries where bestiality is legal but homosexuality isn’t.”

Yes, that’s right Marco, Planned Parenthood provides offers “incentives” and also seeks to make abortion appealing via facilities like these:

Ooooh! Her entire epidermis is the clue to a mystery. So the other characters (and the camera) will have to carefully scan every inch of her body. No, not male gaze-y at all. (Would be interesting if TV switched from being male gaze-oriented to male gays-oriented, and did a version of this program with a naked hot guy

Meh, a tiny bit more feminist in her views than her most recent films would have led me to expect. Sounds like she’s at about 80% on the Patriarchy Princess Stockholm Syndrome Scale (Ann Coulter, for example, reaches 100% in terms of completely embracing misogyny yet seeing herself as an exception to the rule).

Why put vodka in the bottle to begin with? Did he think this was a clever way to avoid open container laws—as if no cop would be suspicious of a grown man swigging from a baby’s bottle?

I wish instead of emphasizing forgiveness, we lived in a culture which stressed apology, making amends, remorse and shame for harming another person. Obviously these things can’t undo heinous actions, but I wonder whether emphasizing real apologies and some form of reparation, thereby putting the onus on the

Great article. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything else on a mainstream website that does such a great job of cutting through the misogyny and sexual shaming which permeates most articles on this topic.

If there was a trend among female screenwriters, film directors, art directors, showrunners, etc to depict women killing studly-looking men, there would be tons of “think pieces” analyzing the sexual proclivities and mental/emotional health of the women who created those images. MRA’s, as well as MRA-adjacent men, and