The pumping is a clue. Someone stole her pumped breast milk and she’s very angry about it.
The pumping is a clue. Someone stole her pumped breast milk and she’s very angry about it.
Right. I immediately googled him and he is a year older than Manson.
I love love love his solo album and was quite shocked about it at first. I’m ready for music too.
Pratt and Hemsworth as Daddy #1 and Daddy #2 is uhhhh I’ll be in my bunk.
I have one and I’m not fancy. My mom used to work for the bottled water company and we’ve had one since I was teenager.
I was not attracted to my boyfriend at all when we met. As I got to know him as a person, the chemistry just ignited. When I look at him now, I feel like I have the most handsome wonderful honey on the planet. The idea that I almost didn’t go on a second date with him and could have missed out on what he has brought…
The person that came up with this is amazing and I would probably try to date them.
My boyfriend and I had broken up before I found out I was pregnant. We were past the point of fixing things. When I called him and told him, he made the choice to not be involved. I haven’t spoken to my son’s father since I was 8 weeks pregnant. I am fortunate to have the most amazing and supportive family. I was…
I have been known to take off from work early when I am stressed to go home and masturbate and then paint my nails and drink a cup of coffee. By the time I go pick the spawn up from school, I’m relaxed and refreshed. I only need an hour and I feel like a million bucks.
Well the good part is you can torture them back. Like... my son took my fun time of peeing in private. So when he saw me changing my tampon and asked what happened I told him “Mommy is bleeding because when you don’t mind it makes mommy’s body sad.” Maybe I’ll tell him the truth when he’s 18 or so.
I’m an RD and here’s the truth: I graduated with my BS, was at the top of my class, my professors loved me, and I had no problem getting into an internship. Got into the internship (40 hours a week), took grad classes (full time), and worked as a grad assistant for the Nutrition department (20 hours a week) as a…
I just don’t understand how these things happen on a concert stage. I have been to plenty of concerts, but they have all been very mild and just someone playing music. There were lots of on-stage antics in pissing contest and I just can’t even believe these things happen. My mind is boggled. And I will be sticking to…
Glad I re-read that last part because I may have done more harm than good. I’m sure there’s something, but I am a fan of pretty extreme BDSM. I follow a story online that has excellent writing and character development, but it has very intense scenes.
I haven’t had any experience with this, but my best friend just lost her virginity at 28! She was always very nervous telling the guys she was seeing, but all of them were cool with it. She told the guy she is seeing now and he was very respectful, took it very well (it didn’t freak him out), and he waited until she…
Oohhh! I have one!
I have dealt with/am dealing with this. We have had rough patches and there's a stressful ebb and flow to our relationship. Things will be fine, then I will feel resentful and angry. I distance myself until I have had a chance to cool off, then it is back to the same. Our relationship is all about her. I am an…
Fair enough. Thankfully, my exposure to small children is limited.