
The order pretty well spells out what the judge wants to see, which is basically a summary of the facts underlying the plainitff’s case and the defendant’s defenses to the claim.

That does not seem likely. The suit goes back to before Trump announced he was running, so regardless of the veracity of the claims (which seem hard to substantiate), it is unlikely to have its origins in a political machination.

I don’t think anyone’s saying he’s a fullblown Manchurian Candidate, but would he be above taking info from Russia? Would Russia be willing to help someone that would destabilize the election? Maybe, maybe not, but plausible enough for me to keep reading about it.

I used to work on a Russian project for my company. When the sanctions came down it got very serious very fast. The standard for the US sanctions are strict liability; you have to prove you are not working with a banned person or entity, ignorance is not a defense. The liability is both on the company and the

gosh, is the fbi a neutral, unbiased source? maaaaaaybe not.

How do we know? Russia isn’t hacking Trump’s emails.

And if Bernie wasn’t expecting and ready to answer a question about lead poisoning in FLINT, he shouldn’t have been on the stage.

He’s been getting on and off Trump planes and trying to hide his identity (unsuccessfully) when he does so. I’d say there’s a wee problem.

The fucking naivete of this statement is just... astounding.

If you don’t think shit like this occurs within the RNC and that they have their own operatives in news media orgs, then I don’t know what to tell you...

Well lets face it if the candidates couldn’t guess what the questions were most likely to be they probably shouldn’t have been there anyway. It’s not like there were anything unexpected like “If you were a tree what kind would you be?” etc.

You haven’t seen any because only one political party is being attacked by hackers trying to influence the election.

It’s bullshit. And at least Donna Brazile hasn’t ever assaulted a reporter.

“There is widespread voter fraud” - Trump

Wait....there has been correspondence between Trump and the Russian government?

I think the consequences he means is that the election is affected. Which is probably exactly what Comey wanted. There is no reason to put out that letter with the vague terms other than to generate news, and he did it on a Friday so it would stew for a couple days before he needs to clarify. He already put out

Is there a real reason hudgens can’t rock lots of tiny braids? I’m indifferent to her, but I really don’t care what color, race someone is, everyone who wants to rock tiny braids should be able to rock tiny braids. It’s not like she did black face.

I’d make a strong beat that someone has something on Trump that they’ve been sitting on til the final week that would be very damaging.

Jez legal reporting often isn’t accurate. These motions are about what testimony and evidence the jury will be allowed to hear.

Sadly, if Trump loses, it would be unwise to forget about his fraud trial, because he defrauded hundreds of war widows, retirees, budding entrepreneurs, and folks who were down in their luck in general. Trying him, convicting him, getting a judgement against him and seizing his property if necessary to make the