
It is technically possible but then we’re stuck with the vice president, which in this case, might be worse.

How can this man, this good and decent man be replaced by a racist, sexist monster who seeks to undo everything he fought and won.

I’m really going to miss the Obama. A nice, classy, hard working person that I admired and respected and was always proud to say is My President. At least he’s leaving with approval ratings of +50%.

As a Mexican American female, I am terrified. I am, in all probability, going to lose my healthcare and control of my reproductive rights at the same time, while likely facing out and out racism and sexism like I’ve never experienced before. I am terrified for my Muslim friends, my gay friends and family, my friends

Australian here, hope I’m allowed to comment with you all. Just..wow. So many of us are in shock, I crossed people on the street looking at tvs and they exchanged ‘fucking riduclous’ with me, strangers on the street.

I’m forever grey over here but will stil respond. I completely agree with you - adult standards ARE different and college students ARE adults.

I mean, what else can you say but the truth? Adults in college should be held to a higher standard than 12 -14 year olds. And some girls making a list of boys in their grade ranked by cuteness is a tad different from college athletes making a list of other college athletes ranked by hotness, complete with details like

To me, the main difference is that middle school girls may make these lists- but the objective of the list is not to get laid. Any such lists I knew of in middle school did not just factor in looks because most of them had the goal of getting into a relationship with the boys or getting them as a date to a dance.

None of those examples come close to sexual predation, earning billions and not contributing to the sustenance of the nation’s infrastructure or defense, colluding with Russia, promising to overturn The ACA, Row v. Wade, glorifying nuclear war, deporting American born immigrants, spitting on Gold Star families and

Sigh. Funny men get a pass when they make derogatory, sexist, homo- and transphobic comments. Golly gee whillikers.

“...He said, ‘And when you’re a star, they let you do it.’ That phrase implies consent...”

The funniest thing to come from this has been Trump whining at a rally yesterday saying that he doesn’t need Beyonce, Katy Perry and the like to be with him. Here he is, just him, and he is good enough.

Ironicall, I think immigrants are going to save the country from itself. Looks like Latino voters are going to win Nevada, which should more or less break the election.

But none of that *feels* true to republicans.

When do the taxpayers get to stop paying for his protection? The 9th?

Reminds me: Do paid Russian trolls consider themselves “Alt Right”, or is it an enemy of my enemy thing?

Will this be the straw that breaks Melania’s back ?.......... nah. She probably wants him to have mistresses so she doesn’t have to sleep with his organge wrinkly ass.

He might like that...get to upgrade to a newer model.

It sounds like it was ongoing, and the players were lying about it.

and here it is: