
I can’t imagine this being the damaging story since everyone already knows he’s this kind of person. I don’t see this changing any minds that Pussygate didn’t change.

I think her issue with Subway is that they used images of her and their kids in advertising to give Jared a family man image that they may have hoped would undermine any future child sex abuse allegations. So she may very well have a case. And Subway will probably quietly settle to make this go away.

Do you know if the lawyers have to provide any evidence that there is an actual victim? And if there would be consequences for the lawyers if they knowingly filed a lawsuit that didn’t have a real victim?

There are rumors going around that both Democrats and Never Trump Republicans got their hands on NDAs Trump had some women sign. Let’s hope those are real and about to come out.

Rick Wilson, who’s involved in Evan McMullins campaign hinted that more is coming on this. Someone on Twitter asked him about The NY Times debunking this story and his response was “patience.”

That wouldn’t explain why data spiked during big events in the election. Or why the server was shut down when reporters started asking questions. Or why it started up again with a new address. At this point, it’s hard to draw any conclusions about whether there is or isn’t something to this.

The Russians definitely want a Trump presidency. It’s so hard to trust the FBI at this point.

The NY Times explanation doesn’t seem to make much sense. We’ll see how it plays out in the next couple of days.

There’s no way to know how well Bernie would have done against Trump. We have no way of knowing what the Trump campaign or media would have dug up on him if he had been the nominee.

All campaigns are engaging in stuff like this. We only know about Donna because of illegal hacks orchestrated by a foreign government. It’s common sense that all campaigns are doing things they shouldn’t be doing to help their candidate.

It’s the Never Trump people who are saying they have oppo and it’s not related to the 13 year old rape case. I think they don’t feel the need to drop anything early because Trump is behind anyway. If they really do have a couple of things like they claim, it will come out this week. Fingers crossed.

There are rumors about Trump being the subject of an FBI investigation. There are also rumors that a couple of seriously damaging things are about to come out about him.

My kids are growing up with friends of all races and ethnic backgrounds. They’re always sharing fashion, music, pop culture, etc. that crosses racial and ethnic lines. I see it as a good thing as long as someone isn’t making fun of another culture. My husband is Indian and he and his relatives love when non-Indians

If you look at election betting Clinton’s chance of winning dropped 6.5% to 75%. It had initially dropped 10% but as more of the story came out, her odds went up. The question now is if oppo on Trump will come out in the next few days to try to counter the effect of this.

That’s something that can be said about addressing any weighty topic in song, book or film, where people are profiting from other people’s tragedies. I like Bruce Springsteen’s music but there’s always this feeling that he’s now a rich guy getting even richer by singing about the struggles of the working class and

I agree he knew what consent meant. But from a PR perspective, it would have been the most sensible route.

Don’t vote for Gary Johnson either. He may be smarter than Trump but not by a whole lot.

I’m sure the Statute of Limitations is up. If he has other victims, that could explain why he’s adamantly claiming innocence. If he doesn’t have other victims, he’d be better off career-wise saying he regrets what happened, he didn’t understand how consent worked at the time and offer to tour colleges to talk about

He has a Trump-like inability to admit wrongdoing even when the evidence strongly indicates he’s guilty.

If this is retroactive, I think a lot of powerful men in Hollywood and entertainment in general are worried right now. Dr. Luke comes to mind.