
Trump has been lying while running for the presidency. He isn’t a private citizen at this point and he is continually lying to the public. He’s only getting a pass because he’s a celebrity and showman.

Outside of schools for the elite, education typically avoided critical thinking. Schools were designed to prepare people for factory work. Outside a handful of schools, that outdated model hasn’t changed even now that we understand the importance of problem solving and critical thinking. Schools are mainly about test

It depends on the university. Some have pretty low standards. Others are excellent. The university I went to was pretty good but the Education program attracted mostly low performing students. The standards of the Education department were lower than any other department.

The cop who killed this man is black. Police brutality and corruption aren’t always a black versus white issue. Blacks make up 24% of police shooting victims and whites make up 50%. Yes there’s plenty of racism in policing but cops of all races kill and people of all races get killed. There’s no doubt some police

A cop was recently fired for NOT shooting someone. He deescalated the situation and got it under control. Other cops showed up and the mentally disturbed man was killed by them. The original cop was fired for not shooting because it was claimed he put other cops lives in danger by not shooting sooner. I don’t think

Blacks do commit violent crime at higher rates than whites though. 52% of all murders in the US are committed by blacks versus 30% for whites. Blacks are also less likely to be educated than whites. So people who make those claims aren’t necessarily wrong. Of course, blacks are more violent and less educated because

Why cover up an accidental killing by a 9 year old though? There would have been no legal consequences. I also find it hard to believe the parents were involved in a cover up yet they didn’t leave a door or window unlocked to make it appear that someone could have easily broken in? They take the time to write a long

At least you helped Daya out as well, so it’s not a complete loss.

You’re using the word Democrat as an adjective, which is really distracting. The correct adjective is Democratic. Democratic AG, Democratic surrogate, etc. I know many Republicans have poor literacy skills but too many make this basic grammatical mistake. It’s hard to take someone seriously when they lack basic

I wonder if the suspect is a proud member of the basket of deplorables

I don’t think the ‘deplorable’ comment was damaging at all. A recent poll found that 60% believe Trump promotes racism and sexism. It was women and minorities that swept Obama into the White House twice, and Hillary needs to get those same voters energized. The comment itself, and the Trump campaign’s boneheaded

What complicates it more is that each spouse could potentially have multiple spouses. If polygamy was legal in the US, it would have to be an option for both males and females. So a man could have 3 wives and all those wives could have 3 or 4 husbands each. So from a practical perspective, it’s not workable. It also

There's no story. I'm 40 and in perfect health. But if I don't sleep well for a few nights and if my allergies are acting up at the same time, I'll often feel faint and will have to stumble to the couch to lie down. It's such a nonissue no one in my family is even concerned when it happens. They know it isn't anything

I know about the woman you’re talking about. I’d love to hear her rationalization for supporting a guy who’s whipping up hate for people like her. It would be like a black person supporting David Duke. They have a right to do it but it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

He’s free to support Trump if he wants but his wife and daughters wear hijab. Trump is encouraging animosity toward Muslims, which could put his wife and kids in danger.

I guess because he thinks Trump won’t do all the things he says he’ll do. Of all the Muslims I know, he’s the only one who’s conservative. He wants a Trump presidency because he wants conservative Supreme Court judges.

I know about two dozen Muslims. The rest are terrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency. But this particular guy thinks Trump doesn't really mean what he's saying.

It’s very likely in months to come we’ll get stats which show an increase in hate crimes. I know a Muslim who’s an avid Trump supporter. He argues that Trump isn’t really a bigot, he’s just saying bigoted things to get elected. Even if that’s true (I don’t believe it is), the fact Trump is riling up bigoted people

People will often exaggerate danger if they’re afraid and want the police to show up fast. There was an incident where a guy said he was in a convenience store when an armed robber came in. The robber left and the cashier called the police who didn’t show up for more than half an hour. The danger had already passed,

Women receive shorter prison sentences than men in general possibly because women have much lower recidivism rates, so they are therefore less likely to have an existing criminal record.